Chapter Fifty-Two

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—Third Person POV.—

The world had been enveloped in flames, a canvas created by the colossal beast that stretches its wings outwards—batting gusts of wind down onto the ashen forests below.

The fires had grown, causing his slitted pupils to flicker at any movement caught amongst the alit trees.

One or two Nomu would flee and in a response, the Dragons foot would stomp down on them, shattering the once luscious greenery and leaving nothing but charred remains in its wake.

The Earth trembled with each stomp as he unhinged his jaws again—rows of sharp and jagged teeth illuminated by the combustion boiling up in his throat before spewing his flames once more.

He heard a few stray screams, too low pitched or high that didn't allow any concern to pass through his skull.

After a long moment, he clenched his jaw, sealing the fire away once more before craning his head upwards—his attention turning to the darkened skies to check in on the Barbarian that had jumped from his neck not too long ago.

Or perhaps it was much longer than he anticipated, due to those bright flashes of explosions being out of sight.

In his frenzied state— Thoughts had been muddled together that let a pissed off huff flare through his nostrils, head tilting ever so slightly before turning to glance amongst the chaos below in concern.

The Dragons heart had been beating at an uncontrollable speed, leaving his claws to ground deeply into the dirt below when another ear-shattering bellow escaped his throat.

He was vaguely aware that Katsuki had gone off to search for the Hunter and that's why the moment he caught sight of a distant flicker, a solitary firework that painted the night sky with ephemeral brilliance—his form tensed up.

The hostility quickly diminished as his course altered, allowing another shriek to fall from his jagged jaw.

Remnants of smoke trickled up through his sharpened teeth, embers falling freely along crimson scales as the Dragon's attention stayed fixated on the spot it had caught the firework flinging up from.

An area where only a few fires had trekked in his angered state and caused another worried exhale to escape his chest as the few flames boiling in his throat died out.

The sounds of trees splintering and getting crushed beneath the weight of the Dragons steps became more noticeable as he calmed down—slowly coming back to his senses and falling into the right mindset once more, his more human-like mind.

Despite his large stature, he began to move carefully—slitted pupils flickering along the lush greenery below in alert as to avoid possibly stomping down on his lovers.

When he made it to the general area he had caught sight of the Barbarians sign—his eyes cast over the forest, only coming to a stop when flickers of light showcased itself through the many trees below.

Small and more controlled explosions lit up the area, causing a grumble to escape his closed jaws as the colossal beasts head lowered down into the nature shielding them from his eye.

—First Person POV.—

I glance up when the leaves above us rustle with movement, my gaze easily catching sight of the crimson scales peering through the greenery and causing branches to snap with his slowed actions.

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