Bonus Chapter

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—First Person POV

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—First Person POV.—

Let's meet again, for the first time.

There's an annoying ringing sounding off in my ear—that, for some reason, just won't subside no matter how much I ignore it.

Tossing over in the bed, I try to bury myself further beneath the thick comforter in an attempt to drown out the noise and sink back into the inviting comfort of sleep.

Sadly, my dreams are crushed and stomped on by the click and slam of my door flinging open to smack harshly against the opposite wall—followed by the heavy footfalls from an intruder rushing straight into my room.

If I was being robbed, I probably would've ignored it in favor of basking in my slumber—but the loud shout of my name meets my ears and my eyes squeeze shut as the comforter is ripped from around my bundled body.

"Get up, idiot, we're late!" A coarse and familiar voice hollers while I'm shimmying under my nest of pillows in an attempt to escape my responsibilities.

He throws the curtains open, the noise of metal scraping against the rod filtering through the air and allowing sunlight to flood throughout my room.

A loud grumble of discontentment falls from my lips—the sound is muffled against the body pillow I was currently latched onto and for a moment the hero-in-training leaves my room with the click of a door opening.

A few seconds pass before his footsteps return and I feel a calloused hand wrap around my ankle.

"Hey, hey!" I shout, tone growing more panicked while my hands scramble to cling onto the bedsheets—of course, my actions are in vain as I'm literally dragged right off of my bed.

He stops when half of my body is off, dropping my leg to tap against the floor and leaving my upper-body bent over the side.

My vision is briefly obscured as my classmate tosses the pair of clothes onto my head—answering my question on where exactly he had disappeared off to just a moment ago.

"Get up and get ready," His voice calls from across the room as I'm shifting to sit up and pluck the clothes from my face.

My eyes glance over the outfit the ash-blonde had picked out—brow raising when I flick my gaze up to him "These aren't my boxers." I comment and Katsuki crosses his arms.

"They were in your drawer, so why the hell does it matter?" He inquires, allowing those scarlet irises to glance over to my opened closet door before his brows furrow suspiciously at me.

"Wait a damn minute, is that—" His voice starts up and I'm immediately shooting up from my bed, rushing past him into the bathroom.

"The time!" I shout in a panic after my attention briefly lands on the alarm clock sitting on my nightstand.

My Stupid Heart! (KiriBaku x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now