Chapter 9

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For the first time since starting college, Orange woke up to silence.

She started college just over a week ago, her new friend and roommate agreeing to be her human alarm clock, since Blue was an early riser and Orange... wasn't.

"...Blue?" Orange called, voice cracking from sleep.

She kicked her blankets off and checked her calendar; Friday.

Maybe Orange just woke up early, and Blue hadn't come to wake her yet, but when she saw the time she knew that wasn't the case, it was mid-morning!

Orange was two hours late for class!

She ran out of her room and looked around, wondering as she brushed her hair if Blue slept in as well, which was highly unlikely, or maybe just forgot to wake her, also very unlikely.

"Second?" Purple asked, poking her head out of her room. "What are you still doing here?"

"I overslept!" Orange cried, frantically tying her hair up and running back to her room to get changed. "What about you?"

Purple followed her, leaning against the wall next to the closed door. "I have half days on Friday's, so I was just gonna spend time with my mom."

Orange raised an eyebrow, but didn't have time to ask. "Have you seen Blue today?"

"Nope, and we wake up around the same time." Purple answered, glancing toward the gardener's room.

Orange frowned, fixing her hoodie as she left her room.

"Maybe she's sick?" the artist suggested.

"Maybe," Purple agreed, nodding. "You mind checking?"

"Why can't you? I'm two hours late for class!" Orange whined.

"And your teacher won't mind an extra minute," Purple checked her watch. "Besides, I'm supposed to meet my mom at the reception in five minutes."

Orange frowned, she did have a point... "Wait, is your mom that pink eyed lady?"

Purple nodded, walking toward the door. "She's the receptionist, see you Second."

Orange scowled as the dark haired girl left.

"You can call me Orange," she grumbled, going to Blue's room and knocking on the door. "Blue?" Orange knocked again when there was no answer, and decided to just let herself in.

The room was pretty much the same as Orange's, only with blue-purple wallpaper and flowers everywhere, there was also photos scattered around, and on the dresser was an archery bow and quiver full of arrows.

The photos were of Blue, Green, Red, and two adults she assumed to be their parents, and on her bedside was a photo of a little girl with pink-red hair in pigtails, beaming at the camera.

"Orange...?" Blue called, voice cracking horribly.

"Blue?" Orange turned, eyes wide as she saw her friend in bed, hair a mess and face bright red, so clearly she was sick.


Orange stood outside the sick girl's room, having spent the last few minutes trying to get her to go back to sleep, Blue did not like staying in bed when she was sick apparently, though that made sense after everything that happened to her.

What do I do now? she wondered, Orange didn't know how to care for someone when they're sick, she'd heard about soup, but which kind?

Orange tugged on her ponytail, a habit when she didn't know what to do, then decided to let her teacher know she wouldn't be in class, thankfully she had the phone number of one of her classmates; who also happened to be her cousin.

'Hey Vic, can you tell the teacher I won't be in class today?' Orange sent, waiting the few moments for his reply, he was a very fast typer after all.

'Sure, but why?' he asked.

'My roommate's sick, and there's no one else to take care of her.' she sent back.

It took Vic a minute to respond, which surprised Orange, until she saw his reply. 'He said it's okay, and he hopes your friend gets better soon, same here too.'

'Thanks Vic :)' Orange sent back, putting her phone away with a sigh. "Now what?"

She went to the kitchen, going through all the cupboards for anything she could give Blue, but apparently the college didn't provide for sick people.

Maybe her friends could help, but they were all still in class, and Purple, the only one not in class, was busy.

"What are you doing?" Blue asked from the doorway, staring at Orange curiously. "Shouldn't you be in class?"

"I skipped," Orange admitted dismissively, refusing to admit she slept in. "Why isn't there any medicine here?"

Blue yawned and smiled tiredly, turning to go back to bed. "Talk to Yellow,"

Orange spun on the sick girl, wondering why she hadn't thought of that sooner. "What?!"

Blue winced at the volume. "He's from around here, so he should know somewhere to get medicine."

Orange forgot about that, and was about to run out the door to find the blonde, only to realise he'd be in class for at least another hour and a half.

"What do I do until then?" the artist wondered, tugging on her ponytail again.

Blue yawned again. "You don't have to spend all day taking care of me."

Orange frowned, ignoring the older girl. "I heard something about soup."

Blue raised an eyebrow, realising what was going on. She's very stubborn, "Chicken noodle, I think we have some."

Orange started going through the cupboards again, whooping in victory when she found the soup. "Found it!" she cheered.

Blue just smiled and nodded, then with another yawn decided to go back to bed.


"Have you seen Blue or Orange today?" Red asked as he sat down at their usual table.

"No, and where's your friend?" Green asked.

"He had to stay behind," Red shrugged. "Something about a class project."

"Class project?" Green repeated, frowning. "We're not in school anymore." he pointed out.

Red just nodded, eyeing the blonde, who was sat picking at his lunch quietly, looking the very picture of lonely. "Yellow?"

The blonde looked up curiously.

"Where's your girlfriend?" Green asked half-teasingly.

"Dunno..." Yellow frowned. "And she's not my girlfriend!"

"Blue's sick," Purple stated, startling the three. "And Orange is taking care of her."

Purple had a familiar woman with her, who had auburn hair in a bun and pink eyes.

"Aren't you the receptionist?" Green asked.

Pink nodded. "Hello again Green,"

"Blue's sick?" Yellow asked worriedly.

Purple nodded. "Orange slept in, then we found out Blue was sick and she decided to skip class to take care of her."

"You have very nice friends Purple," Pink smiled warmly.

Yellow stood up with a slam, startling everyone again. "I'm going to check on her." he announced, not even bothering to take his tray as he quickly left before anyone could stop him.

Pink sighed. "I'll tell his teacher if he's skipping too."

"Wait Yellow!" Red cried, drawing the attention from most of the room as he chased after the blonde. "Are you skipping class?"

Yellow paused to check his watch, then shook his head.

Red sighed in relief and smiled at Yellow, who gave a hesitant smile back before going back to their dorms.

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