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We could leave the Christmas lights up 'til January
And this is our place, we make the rules

Remus opens his eyes. Shit. Bad choice. His head pounding from the bright light, he gets up from his bed and walks over half blind to close the curtains. Sighing as the light is reduced, he let's his brain catch up with being awake. And that's when he senses a hangover rearing it's head so he immediately goes to the medecin cabinet and takes a hangover potion. It was the New Year's Eve Party last night at the Potter's. He was honest surprised they had made if back without getting splinched.

Leaving another potion for Sirius by their nightstand, Remus leaves the room to go make a cup of tea. When he leaves the room and enters the hall, the Christmas tree at the corner of the room catches his eye. And he can't help but smile fondly at it. Sirius had been stubborn in wanting to decorate it the muggle way, going tree shopping and buying the little balls and lights and tinsel himself. And then almost falling on his ass when he had tried to put the star on top by himself. Remus had caught him just in time. Then they both levitate the star together using magic and placed it on top. And now the tree was still standing there even a whole week since Christmas cause "I had put so much effort into making it look nice we can't wash that all away with a single flick of the wand" as Sirius had put it.

And there's a dazzling haze, a mysterious way about you dear
Have I known you 20 seconds or 20 years?

As he was pouring his tea into his cup, stiring the sugar into it, he heard the groan which indicated that Sirius was waking up. Remus then proceeded to take the filter out and put the coffee powder in, followed by the hot water for the drip. Setting it aside he takes out Sirius's mug and adds in an amount of sugar he deems atrocious and unnecessary.

Can I go where you go?
Can we always be this close forever and ever?
And ah, take me out, and take me home
You're my, my, my, my

After pouring the milk and adding the coffee drip. He then takes both of their mugs and heads out, just in time to see Sirius in all his half naked, grey sweatpants glory to walk out with his hair pulled back into a very messy bun. Sirius takes the mug offered to him with a greatful nod, brain too sleepy to even try talking. It might have been three years and two months since they started dating, but it will always take Remus's breathe away how beautiful Sirius was. It didn't make him giddy like a teen with a crush like it used to back then in the beginning, now it was more of a reverent hobby and a feeling deep devotion at the realisation that this is all for him and only him to have and see and admire.

He watches as Sirius takes a sip of the coffee and closes his eyes in bliss, a dreamy smile on his lips as the coffee warms him inside out. He opens his eyes and catches Remus staring at him. Smile turning sheepish, he reaches up on his toes to place a quick chaste kiss on Remus's lips before moving to sit on his couch end. And Remus is pretty sure he just had his breathe stolen from him.

We could let our friends crash in the living room
This is our place, we make the call

It's the second last day to January and it's Lily's birthday. Her being two months pregnant meant the whole house had been baby proofed by James. And so the suprise party was planned and held at Remus and Sirius's flat. What they hadn't counted on was Marlene and Mary getting piss drunk, after James and Lily left, and not being able to go back home. Remus conjured up a pillow for Marlene to sleep on, leaving Mary the couch. And then pulled Sirius in with him and locked the door to their bedroom shut.

"A little mean don't you think?" Sirius said, laughter bubbling up from being too tipsy to be nearly drunk.

"What is?" Remus asked as he helped his boyfriend undo the buttons on his shirt.

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