You're a bad idea

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He heard the door to the fridge be opened and the bottles clink as a hand sorted through them, looking for something.

A pause.

"Oh hey, you guys haven't met yet have you?" Sirius's voice interpreted his writing. A sound as boots turned on the polished floor. "Meet my brother. Regulus."

Regulus looked up from his papers to see who Sirius was talking to. His breathe hitched slightly in his throat as his eyes fell on the face that has haunted so many of his waking and dreaming thoughts for so long now.

And it was like time slowed down, warped and took him back.


Grey eyes meet brown outside opposing doors in the corridor as he catches him sneaking out of his brother’s room at the break of dawn. The first of many more such meetings.

A smile followed by a tiny wave and then he is gone. He was even careful with the creaky steps. Been here before many times then, Regulus mused to himself as he followed but turned at the kitchen.




And a dozen more to come.


Outside the door a shadow passes before haulting and coming back. A body leaned against the doorframe across from where Regulus sat on the couch, reading.

"Aren't you supposed to be sneaking out?" He asks without looking up.

"Stopped to say hey."


A chuckle. "You never did tell me your name you know?"

"It's Regulus."



"Oh hi!" A smile breaking through his lips instantly, lighting his whole face up.

"Would you... like some breakfast before you have to leave?"

Hands helped as they pulled the jacket onto the other's back, lingering slightly before pulling away completely.


A couple days pass, a couple million times of opening the door at night only to close it dissapointedly. Almost asking Sirius but catching himself before he did. An ache within he couldn't quite understand or name.


The glint of a familiar pair of glasses caught across the other side of the club, lost between the crowd only for him to find it again.

Walking determinedly to him and pulling on his sleeve. The sound of red converse against tiles as they enter. Shoving him away but also pulling him close.


A smirk. Oh god that smirk would be the death of him. Lips crashing against each other as the light above them flickered, making a buzzing noise.

"Missed you too, darling." A thumb run over his bottom lip.


Hands held as he lead him to his room. The door closed shut and kisses turning passionate as they trailed down his jaw, hands fumbling with trying to remove the cursed flannel.

Eyes bore into his from behind the glasses. "Darling, are you ready for more?"

He answers by kissing him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19 ⏰

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