Best of Times, The Worst of Crimes

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"Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit" Was the only coherent thought in Sirius's head as he ran, weaving through the streets with absolutely no sense of direction. He had lost Marlene a couple turns back and didn't want to turn around as the lights chased him insistently.

Red. Blue. Red. Blue. Red. Blue.

His legs took him flying into alley through alley and just as he thought he had lost them, he ran straight back into the main street and right in front of the cop car. Fuck. Giving up on his stupid brain and his tired legs, Sirius put his hands up in surrender.

The cop inside got out, his golden hair flying with the wind, flashing in the colours of his car. "No point in running now, Black"

"Ahh Gilbert," Sirius smirked, holding his hands up behind his head. "Fancy seeing you here."

"It's Gilderoy." The officer said through gritted teeth as he hauled Sirius into his car.

"We've been running into each other almost every month!"

"Well if you stopped messing around in my jurisdiction that won't happen."

"Nah, I won't get in the way of fate, my love." Sirius responded, batting his eyelashes. "Oh already? Atleast take me to dinner first darling." He said, winking as Officer Lockhart cuffed Sirius and pulled at it once more to make sure it was locked.

With a grumble, the officer went back the other side and stopped to talk into his walkie and then got into his seat, starting the car. Sirius kicked back on the seat and put his leg up on the headrest in front of him.

"Say, you don't happen to-" he was interrupted by the officer's phone ringing.

"Hello" Gilderoy said.

"Yeah I've got him."

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah of course."

"Are you sure it wasn't the guy's doing?"

"Mhmm. Be safe I'm on my way." And with that, he cut the call.

Sirius had leaned forward,his interest piqued, trying to catch the conversation but couldn't hear anything from the other side.

"Soooo where we going?" He said in a sing-song voice

The officer grumbled something under his breathe and then sighed. "A small detour before we head to the precinct."

"Oooh sounds interesting. Who are we meeting?" Sirius was answered with the window between being forcefully slammed shut. "Ok rude-" he said before settling back into his seat.

It took them a couple of minutes to reach wherever they were going. With Sirius bothering him even through the closed glass, the officer was losing his patience little by little.

Getting bored, Sirius stopped pestering him and started trying to take the handcuffs off. The paint from his work had dripped a little unto his pants, leaving two neon pink dots on his otherwise clean black pants.

'Gonna have to come back to finish that one later.' he thought to himself.

Just then, the car came to a halt and the officer got out. Sirius couldn't see much from his point but could hear a little murmuring outside. And then, the door opened and the most gorgeous man Sirius had ever seen got shoved inside next to him.

The man was utterly gorgeous, the yellow light in the car seemed to create a sort of halo around his light brown hair which was hiding most of his eyes but Sirius managed to catch it's gaze somehow. A smirk grew on the other man's lips, tugging ever so cruelly at a scar that stretched over the corner of his lips. And that's when he noticed the nose ring on the left side. Of bloody course he has a nose ring. Sirius was pretty sure he had forgotten to breathe as all the thoughts in his head become the most incoherent he has ever heard them be. He felt like he wanted to cut himself on the man's jawline... he didn't know what it meant but he was feeling it.

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