mk's a bitch - julia

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Gay nerd 1 : omg show the class mk

Dino :

Gay nerd 1 : it's beautiful 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

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Gay nerd 1 : it's beautiful 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

Mksexual : MK!!!

Dino : hehe

Gay nerd 1 : Julia that's how U look whenever you show ur face

Mksexual : 🖕

Gay nerd 1 : yes, U do that to mk

Mksexual : hmph

Gay nerd 1 :

Gay nerd 1 :

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Omg this picture is so funny

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Omg this picture is so funny

Dino : wtf r her eyes doing 🤣😭

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Dino : wtf r her eyes doing 🤣😭


Gay nerd 1 : @ /gay nerd 2 Ik ur online, join us

Mksexual : does he still think ur cheating on him or smth

Gay nerd 1 : nope he's just ignoring me

Dino :

No hanky panky bowie

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No hanky panky bowie

Gay nerd 1 : we weren't going to fuck each other!!!!

Gay nerd 2 : Bowie was just being heroic and saved me

Gay nerd 1 : yassss😘

Mksexual :

Gay nerd 1 : JULIA!

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Gay nerd 1 : JULIA!

Gay nerd 2 : bich

Gay nerd 1 : YASSSS RAJJJJJJJ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Dino : ewww love

Mksexual : ikr

Dino :

Mksexual : bitch

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Mksexual : bitch

Dino : I'm your bitch

Mksexual:   -_-

Mksexual : Mk's a bitch

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