Bowie asks Owly smth rlly important

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Gay nerd 1 : 1. Owly r U gay

Owly : yes

Gay nerd 1 : ok that's good. Always knew you were.

Owly : ...

Gay nerd 1 : anyways 2. How come we've never seen what U look like or what's your age. For what we know you're a 50 year old living in your bsf's attic

Owly : wtf- I'm not 50. And I'm not doing a face reveal yet.

Gay nerd 1 : plz plz plz plz plz

Owly : fine I'll do a face picrew

Gay nerd 1 : score! Like rn?

Owly : when I feel like it

Gay nerd 1 : hmph

Owly : hehehhehehehhehehehehhehehehhehehehehhehe


Grouchy granny is so Caleb coded😇😇😇

Caleb : NO ITS NOT

Nerd stuck in notebook : DONT TALK ABOUT CALEB LIKE THAT

I'm the best : YEAH!!!

JJ : hmph

Caleb : I've been trying hard not to call u BIETCH but I rlly want to rn

JJ : do itttttt

Caleb : no.

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