Bowie and Julia join a choir

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Gay nerd 1 : wha

Supporter of the gay nerds : tell us julesssss

Mksexual : mk enrolled me in a choirrrrrrt

Gay nerd 1 : uhhhhh they're such a copycat.

Mksexual : how?!

Gay nerd 1 : cause Raj just enrolled me the besttt singer ever in existence of singers

Mksexual : well I doubt we'll be in the same choir group anyway

Gay nerd 1 : yepppp

JJ : ...

Gay nerd 1 : what is it JJ?

JJ : ummmm nothing oh motha's calling for me byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Gay nerd 1 : JJ NOOOOOOOOO

Mksexual : well i hav eto get to choir so baiiiiiii

*at choir*

Gay nerd 1 : JULIA

Mksexual : YOU! Well i got a solo so listen to my beautiful voice

Oh fuckknuckles

Oh fuckknuckles

How unlovely you are fuckknucklesssssssssssssss

Gay nerd 1 : ! you're a horrible singer 2 WHY ARE WE PRACTISING CHRISTMAS SONGS IN JANUARY???????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mksexual : cause U joined and everyone knows how bad u r at singing

Gay nerd 1 : OH YOU ARE GETTING IT NOW!!!  *Pounces on Julia*


Gay nerd 1 : *rips Julia's wig off*

Mksexual : MY WIG U BASTARD!!!

Mksexual : *starts to fight Bowie*

*They both got kicked out of choir*

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