Caleb and JJ go to court

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Caleb : guys I'm taking JJ to court

Gay nerd 2 : NOOOOO!!! I don't want JJ to go to jail 😞😞😞😞😞😞😞😞😞😞😞😞😞😞😞😞😞😞😞😞😞😞😞😞😞😞

Caleb : but they've been bullyullying me

Gay nerd 1 : Caleb it's bullying

Caleb : tomato tomato

JJ : motha says I don't have to go to courtttttttt

Damienfucker : wha no I didn't

JJ : I'm talking about my other motha

Damienfucker : ...

JJ : anyway.

Caleb :  hmph

JJ : ig I'll go

*At court*

Judge : JJ is it true that you've been bullyullying Caleb

Gay nerd 1 : *bullying

JJ : no. I haven't. I'm 5 after all

Judge : case close Caleb ur going to jail.

Caleb : whyyyy meeeeeeee

Judge : you framed an innocent 5 year old

Caleb : b-b-b-b-but

Judge : jk. Ur going to kindy with them


Pretty nerd : maybe you'll be in my classsssssssss


Owly : so emo

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