gay vs lesbian

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Hottie : 😘

Person who flirts with hottie 24/7 : 😘

Hottie : love ya Beauté

Person who flirts with hottie 24/7 : love ya too Hermosa

I'm the best : EWWWWWW, NERD LOVE!!!

Hottie : I'm not the one in love with a mole

I'm the best : HEY!

Hottie : hehehhehehehehhe

I'm the best : OMG!!!

Person who flirts with hottie 24/7 : wha

I'm the best : LETS A FIGHT! MLM VS WLW

Hottie : bet

I'm the best : @ /Pretty nerd @ /gay nerd 1 @ /gay nerd 2 y'all r on my teammmmmmmm

Hottie : @ /person who flirts with hottie 24/7 @ /dino @ /mksexual you guys

Mksexual : oh ho! I can finally kill bowieeeee

I'm the best : we'll be having a rap battle

Hottie : we'll see how shitty y'all r

*The rap battle begins*

I'm the best : yo yo yo! We like fucking men

Pretty nerd : most of us realised this when we were ten

Gay nerd 1 : all we do for a living is be a slay queen

Gay nerd 2 : and we're all cute beanssss

*The boys finish*

*The girls begin*

Hottie : we like girls!

Person who flirts with hottie 24/7 : when a boy flirts with us, we hurl

Mksexual : we're the best ass bitches

Dino : and we don't care if our gayness makes your eye twitched

*The rap battle stops*


Hottie : NO WE WERE

I'm the best : NO

Hottie : YES

I'm the best : NO

Hottie : YES

JJ :

NAH HE WAS THE BEST 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

Hottie : -_-

I'm the best : he's so daddy material 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍


Damienfucker : JJ!!!

JJ : hehhehehehehhheheh

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