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Ljubjana 15th of July 2017☆

[Stjepanas Pov]

,,Uhm so who did you say you met from that band" i said in the hall before going to our room with Ana. ,,Jan, he is a guitarist of Joker Out we get a long pretty well and i think you would too" said Adriana. ,,Oh okay i cant wait to meet them tommorow then" i said. ,,Same i didnt saw Jan in about a year because he visited me in Zagreb last time" said Adriana. ,,You guys are a thing or something" said Ana right after opening the door to our room. ,,No silly" she said and joined the room of Dijana and Katrina. Me and Ana looked at each other weirdly and then continued to go into that room. It was huge and so pretty and we even had a view on the street. I unpacked immeditally even tho i missed Zagreb, i loved it here. I went out to the balcony shortly after Ana started unpacking because i wanted to snap some great pictures.



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stjepana_adamovic: Ljubljana volim te

adriana_:  Say it louder for the people in the back!!

User45: Why arent you in Zagreb queen :(


,,I thought we are meeting tommorow" said Dijana who came with Katrina and Adriana to our room. ,,What is happening" i said when i came out of the balcony. ,,Plans slightly changed, Jan texted me that everyone is so excited they wanna meet up today" said Adriana. ,,Then why not, i know you love when things are planned Dijana but for once in a while you could right Katrina" i said. ,,I agree, please can we go into some club" she said. ,,Arent you a little young for that" said Dijana. ,,Im maybe a year younger but that doesnt change the fact that i want to" Katrina added. ,,I'll take you but Dijana has to go meet the band, it could be a future opportunity girls" i said. ,,Yeah yeah, four slovene boys will change us in someways" said Ana sarcastically. ,,You never know Ana and if you wont go i might as well go with Adriana myself" i said and they agreed on going. Jan gave Adriana the location and Dijana navigated us thru google maps.

Small park in the center of Ljubljana

Adriana immeditally hugged Jan when they saw each other. ,,You grew since we last saw" said Adriana who is pretty tall herself. Except these two everyone just silently stared at each other and didnt talk. ,,I'll start" said Adriana. ,,So this is Stjepana our lead singer" she said and pointed at me. ,,Hii" i said and my eyes locked on brown haired slightly taller guy than me. ,,This is Dijana our lead guitarist" said Adriana and pointed on Dijana next to me. ,,Hey" she said. ,,This is our youngest but tallest drummer Katrina" said Adriana. ,,Hii, its just one year btw" Katrina answered. "Oh and this is Ana a guitarist as well and im Adriana the bassist" she said and Ana just wawed. ,,Its nice to meet you all im Jan btw" he said. ,,This is Bojan, the lead guy" Jan said and gently punched him in the arm. ,,Hii" he said and locked his eyes right at me again. ,,Then there is Jure our drummer" he said and Jure just gently waved. ,,And Kris, sadly our bassist couldnt be here with us so its just us here" said Jan and Kris waved at us. We all sat down near a big tree in the middle of the park and went our ways. Adriana was talking to Jan, Katrina to Jure, Dijana and Ana to Kris and i was with Bojan. You could say it kind of looked overwhelming for the boys because it probably was. ,,Hi" i said to Bojan when he was left all by himself there. ,,Hey" he said. ,,So you created this band" he added. ,,Yeah pretty much you could say that, and you did creat your band" i asked. ,,You could say that" he said and repeated my words which made me smile. We then talked about how we created the band and then it went on some personal questions. ,,So do you have any siblings" i asked. ,,Older sister, you" he asked me. ,,Younger brother" i said. ,,What do you like to do except music" he asked me. ,,Photography i never leave my camera anywhere what about you" i answered. ,,thats pretty cool, when i say drinking its too basic since you are balkan as well but idk maybe traveling" he said and flashed his smile at me. ,,Trust me drinking is my passion as well espacially with my grandparents" i said. ,,You are the first girl to ever say that, im sure your grandparents are amazing" he said. ,,Hell yes they are, they live in Luka small town on Dugi Otok so fishing all day with my grandpa was my childhood" i said. ,,Wow i never met someone that has some relatives there, but i went once with my parents to Sali" he said. ,,Sali is nice but its too turistic, over the years in Luka some slovenians go there but rarely some" i said. ,,Understand that" he said really into this conversation. ,,Wait Eurovision is also my passion" he said. ,,You too" i said. ,,Heck yeah" i said. ,,These two are oddly similiar" said Kris behind Bojan. ,,Oh shut up Krisko" he said and we were quiet for a minute so we could make fun of the other ones. Everyone seemed to get along for meeting recently, especially Dijana and Kris or Katrina and Jure. ,,Everyone seems to find their soulmates" i whispered to Bojan and he laughed but agreed. Jure and Katrina seemed more like a great friendship but Dijana and Kris. ,,Wanna know a secret" Bojan whispered to me. ,,Im invested in" i whispered back. ,,Jan has a huge crush on Adriana but doesnt want to admit it to her or himself" he whispered. ,,So we think with Adriana" i whispered back. ,,Guys we are going to get coffee anyone wants" said Jan and Adriana was oddly close to him. Nobody raised their hands except for me and Bojan we were desperatly in need of coffee. ,,Oh okay" they said and left. ,,Have you slept gosh" he asked me. ,,Nope i had to visit my grandparents because they needed some help, so i had to take the boat to Zadar and from there to Zagreb, then to Ljubljana" i said. ,,Girl you are in lack of sleep" he said. ,,Pretty much, and you" i asked him. ,,I just forgot to make it at home but i slept really well actually" he said. ,,Good for you" i said. ,,Thanks but im sure your grandparents loved that you helped them" he said. ,,Yes when i told them that im going to meet a slovene band look what they gave me" i said and showed him a big ass bottle of my grandpas rakija. ,,They are fucking crazy" he said. ,,Since i was a kid i had to drag it home and now i had to drag two of them, one for my parents and one for all of us" i said. ,,Can i steal you to our band because we are in a despered need of a another drinker" he said. ,,Not again" said Dijana and Ana continued to roll her eyes. Katrina and Jure immeditally saw us and joined us. ,,Saver" said Katrina when she drang from the bottle. ,,The biggest alcoholic in the band" i said while she took a sip. Jure and Bojan took a sip as well and no regrets they loved it. ,,You wont" Bojan asked. ,,Not before coffee my father taught me this" i said. ,,So we have here a coffeeholic" said Jure. ,,You bet i am" i said and smiled. Thankfully my and Bojans coffee arrived and they sat to our circle. ,,Do you want guys" i asked while sipping on the coffee they brought. ,,Ofc i'll take your grandpas homemade rakija its the best" said Adriana and took a sip, even Jan tasted. ,,Okay nobody told me that even the girls would be so into alcohol" said Jan. ,,Problem" i asked. ,,Yes problem Jan" Bojan stood up for me. ,,You two get along better then anyone could know" said Jure. ,,Us" i said. ,,No way right Bojan" i said. ,,Oh right yes we absolutely dont" he said and we then burst out laughing seeing everyones face when they stared at us. ,,Oh okay" said Jan and went with Adriana away, we thought they went to make out but who knows where they actually went. Jure and Katrina started their drummer talk while Ana was left out by Kris and Dijana. ,,Ana" i said when i noticed that Kris and Dijana went away as well. She looked at me and i ordered her to go talk with us. ,,Ana right" said Bojan. ,,Yes and you must be Bojan" she said and he nodded. ,,Any juicy stuff" said Bojan when i went to check on the two maybe couples. ,,Yes, Jan and Adriana are making out" i said. ,,What" he said and ran to me. ,,No way" he said and rested his hand on my hip pulling me closer. I raised my brows and looked at him. ,,Oh yeah, sorry" he said shyily. ,,No its fine i just want to know why" i said and putted his hand back. ,,Joining them i see" said Jure who appeared out of nowhere. ,,Take care of Ana" said Bojan and draged me to a bench near the pound in the park. ,,You caught my eye since i first saw you when Adriana intruduced your band" he said when we sat down. ,,I must say same, i think you noticed" i said. ,,Yes the intense stare when you said Hii" he said. ,,Sorry if that was too much sometimes i cant control it" i said. ,,No i think it was just enough" he said and tucked my hair behind my ear. ,,Wait this is a perfect moment" i said  ,,Pose" he said right after i snapped the picture. I smiled when i saw it pop up on the screen. ,,I wanna see" he begged so i showed him. ,,I look terrible" he said. ,,No you look amazing there" i said. ,,Someone should hire you for photography" he said. ,,Oh hell no i would rather be a musician, at audition i got told i might be the best in the upcoming class which is something to be proud of" i said. ,,That definitely is but still your photographic skills are amazing" he said. ,,or it is because you are stunning" i said. ,,Excuse me are you flirting with me" he said. ,,I indeed do" i said. ,,Oh madam so you like me" he said in a funny voice. ,,Ofc sir" i said. ,,Can i" he said and tilted his head to me. ,,you must" i said and smiled. Bojans lips met mine and my hands slowly drawed patterns on his hair. When he broke the kiss he noticed how wide my pupils were. ,,Omg what were you smoking" he said. ,,You i mean what" i said in panic and he laughed. ,,oh i see im a drug" he said and grabed my camera. The sun made my hair appear blond on the camera and Bojans face lighted up. When i saw what stunned him so much i couldnt get it what was it. ,,You look alike an angel there" he said. ,,Oh come on Bojan im sure you saw better looking people then me" i said. ,,No i dont think so" he said and scrolled on my camera. ,,Heey" i tried to stop him. ,,Wait thats you" said Bojan.
,,the first one is from Luka, Ana took that actually because she visited me there and the other was by my dad its from other camera but same SD card. He was just so proud of his outfit" i answered. ,,How old you are on these" he asked. ,,the first one i think then the other three" i said. ,,You are photogenic then from birth" he said. ,,Yeah i get that a lot" i said and noticed Jure peeking from that tree. ,,Jure, come on" Bojan settled him down and we both saw that Kris and Dijana came back and they seem to be fine. They just needed some quiet place probably. While Jan and Adriana, we couldnt find them now. ,,You are way more interest in my life then anybody possible could" i said to get away from the love dramas. ,,I love to learn about you actually" he said. ,,Oh i see" i said and his hand appeared on mine. ,,Who was talking shit about Jan and Adriana making out, oh and about Kris and Dijana" i said. ,,Its fun you have to agree but Jan and Adriana are so cute together" he said. ,,I agree i wanna know what they did when they met" i said. ,,Only thing i know Jan was walking back from school and saw her in some caffee and had a chat with her, she was here for a week and he took her somewhere every single day after school" he said. ,,I wouldnt think he would be so much of a romantic" i said stunned. ,,So did i when he told me about her, idk why i was the first to know" he said. ,,He probably had a lot of trust in you that day" i said. ,,maybe but im definitely telling him about us but he probably knows" he said. ,,Oh come on" i said and gently grabed his hand in mine. ,,I wonder if you ever make it to eurovision" i said. ,,I hope you will" i added. ,,I want you to be there with this silly band" he said. ,,Oh come on, maybe we are slightly popular in Zagreb but still nothing to eurovision" i said. ,,Idk what you mean by slightly but i think its quite big" he said. ,,Outside of Croatia definitely unknown, but we have a lot of fans even in Zadar,Osijek, Rijeka and i could go on but you arent unknown as well" i said. ,,You are indeed right" he said. ,,I need to hear something from you Jan never showed me but he listens all the time aparently" he added. ,,Probably Adriana sends him because we didnt manage to get a label to get a spotify, so i manage everything by myself" i said. ,,That must be alot" he said. ,,It is but wait i have to find my fav" i said. ,,Wanna hear Czech version by Katrina, she sings this one because their isnt any drums" i asked him. ,,Woah i didnt know you had someone from Czechia but i wanna hear something yours" he said. ,,Katrinas dad is but the song Anděl is freaking amazing but i will find something for you" i said and he was invested in every move i made on that phone. ,,here is Djevojka s mora, my all the time favorite actually my first and approved by my grandma" i said and turned it on. He was so focused it was just so cute. ,,What is it about, if i can know ofc" he immeditally asked when it ended ,,Girl living on the island Dugi Otok coming to a big city which is Zagreb, kind of my mums experience written in this song" i said. ,,Woah its briliant messege and a song" he said and showed me song called umazane misli. ,,Thats something to be proud of too" i said. ,,Yours is definitely a lot deeper" he said. ,,I have to admit yes but i have some stupid ones, like when my microwave stopped working" i said and Bojan laughed. ,,Now i just wanna hear that" he said. ,,Tommorow okay we still have time, this cool band is here for two weeks remember" i said. ,,Ljubavci and Joker Out balkan sensation from Eurovison 2023" he said and laughed at it. ,,Will make it promise" i said and laughed. ,,Pinky promise" he asked with his smile. ,,Pinky promise" i said and shaked hands or should i say pinkies. The afternoon was coming to an end and night was slowly coming to say hi.
We all met again near the tree to have a talk. ,,Wanna go to the club" said Jure all loud asking everyone. ,,If we can sneak Katrina in im in" i said. ,,Thanks girlie" i said. ,,Yeah you are right i totally forgot" said Jure and everyone else seemed to agree on going but maybe Dijana and Kris were slightly hesistant. ,,Guys come on" said Adrianna trying to convince them. But Kris wanted to spend time with Dijana so badly. ,,Okay giantfoots you can be alone but we are clubbing" said Katrina. ,,Coming from the tallest in the band, Katrina come on" said Dijana. ,,Girls, stop for a second you can do that back home" i said annoyed. ,,She started" said Katrina. ,,And you still wonder why you get told that you are a child" said Ana. ,,Kris and Dijana, can stay here or whatever they want to go and the rested us follow Jure, done" said Bojan and grabed my hand because Bojan has to be right after Jure or else everyone is lost.

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