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[I know this thing doesnt work the best but, song of this part has to be my all the time fav, enjoy the song and this part, i'll try to do it to every part but definitely not to every]

Ljubljana 16th of July 2017

Ana's and Stjepanas room, in Stjepana pov.

,,Good morning Ljubljana" said Ana while i was already up preparing her breakfest. ,,Good morning Ana" i said and giggled. ,,You cooked for me, omg thank you so much" she said as she noticed i already putted the pancakes on the table. ,,Happy to help" i said while texting Bojan a good morning. ,,So who is in love with who already" she asked while eating her pancakes. ,,Jan and Adriana, Dijana and Kris, Jure has a crush on Katrina idk if Katrina has and me and Bojan" i said. ,,Woah" she said. ,,About Dijana im not that sure and Jure maybe said that as a joke" i said. ,,But still you were right that it will change the band" she said and i took one of the pancakes. ,,Im almost always right, oh btw Bojans coming dont eat it them all" i said. ,,Why is he coming that early" she asked. ,,Idiot cant cook so i told him to come, his parents arent home so he hasnt eaten anything cooked" i said. ,,Understandable" she said. ,,Coffee" i asked her. ,,Please" she said so i poured two cups. Sooner then i thought i could hear a knock on our door. ,,oh hi Bojan" i said in my ugly pjs. ,,Someone slept good" he said when he came in. ,,Actually everyone slept well in this room" Ana corrected him. ,,Take some of the pancakes i dont want you to starve all day, or use all of your money on food" i said. ,,You can take some of my coffee but leave me a sip at least please" i said and went to get dressed but firstly showered. ,,She is" Bojan tried to say. ,,Amazing hardworker yes hell yes" Ana said. ,,Exactly how can she do all of this" he asked her. ,,Being our manager, cook, take care of all of us and a student i dont honestly know" she said and took a sip of her coffee. Bojan took a sip of my coffee as well but only slightly. ,,Oh hello, talkers" i said giving Bojan a kiss on his beautiful hair while stealing the cup from him. ,,Hey guys" said Katrina and after her was Jure. ,,Sleepy people there are somehow still some pancakes left so you can have them, someone coffee" i asked like the biggest mom ever. ,,Desperetly please" said Katrina and Jure agreed. Bojan and Ana made space for the new comers. Ana went to shower and Bojan helped me with the coffee. ,,Katrina catch" i said while throwing pack of aspirin. ,,Thanks" she said and took one from the pack. ,,Me and Bojan are on the balcony and im sure Ana will come out of the shower soon if you need anything" i said while giving them their coffees and went with Bojan to the balcony. ,,Wow you really have amazing view" he said when we sat down there. ,,I have to take you to Zagreb someday im sure you would love it there" i said. ,,I would love to go" he said. ,,I think Jure and Katrina are just really good friends same for Dijana and Kris" Bojan added. ,,This drama didnt left you mind i see" i said. ,,Oh more like short croatian girl" he said. ,,You love to abuse short people" i said. ,,Im one of them myself ofc i love to" he said. ,,Ah Bojan" i said. ,,You sound like my mother stop" he said. ,,Really" i said and smiled. ,,Indeed you do" he said. ,,So my motherness is going into another band nice" i said. ,,Bojan" Jure said and knocked on the glass. ,,Jan wants you on the phone" he said and handed him the phone. ,,Understand but you know museums are boring, oh okay but no buts okay fine i'll take them there with Jure then Bye" he said and handed Jure back his phone. ,,Uhm if you love museums you will love this" said Bojan and Ana beceme excited as the only one. ,,One atleast" said Jure. ,,I stopped by your place, there are some clothes in my bag take it" said Bojan. ,,You are a saver Bojan thanks" said Jure and went out with Katrina who was feeling a lot better. ,,I dont think Katrina should go" Ana said. ,,Agree" i said. ,,Jan managed to find a gig place for tonight, sorry to spoil it but please dont tell him" said Bojan. ,,Thats crazy" i said. ,,I tried all i could to stop him but as you may heared no buts" he said. ,,So he expects us without any instruments with us to do a show, perfect" i said. ,,Apparently Adriana has her bass" said Bojan. ,,Yeah thats because she always travels with it, neither of us especially Katrina are that crazy and i even possibly couldnt since i wasnt even home" i said. ,,You can borrow mine" said Bojan. ,,Thank you but i cant do that what if something happens" i said. ,,Oh dont worry my guitar was thru a lot" he said. ,,And im sure that Kris and Jan will be helpful and if not i'll make them" he said.

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