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Few years passed since Stjepana met Bojan. She is now 24 and selection for Eurovision as Bojan predicted is happening right now. She wonders if Bojan will make it she didnt saw him since her 19th birthday. They both graduated with honours and their life is just starting. A lot has changed Ljubavci are still the same but Joker Out lost and gain a new member.

Zagreb 13th of December 2022 Rehearsel room of Ljubavci

,,Girls i dont really now if that song is good" i said. ,,Kidding, nezaboravan is fucking a bomb song" said Katrina. ,,Trust me its perfect for Eurovision" said Ana. ,,Girls" i said. ,,What" said Dijana excited. ,,Tell us" said Adriana. ,,Joker Out is in the game, Bojan just texted me" i said and was so happy for them. ,,Are you kidding" said Ana so happily. ,,They cant wait for us but we still got time"  i said happily. ,,Cant wait to see this best couple back" said Adriana to remind me of Bojan. ,,You never told us about Jan are you still with him or" said Dijana. ,,We talk but i really dont know" she said. ,,It will be quite a suprise then" said Katrina. ,, Our rivals are terrible just look at them" said Ana as she changed back the conversation to Eurovision. ,,Mama SČ seems like my mother would listen to it" said Dijana and we all giggled even tho it was a big true. ,,We will do it girls just look at our fans" i said.  Together we looked on the prediction and our song is currently first but Mama SČ is really close to us. The voting ends tommorow so we hope for the best. ,,I cant believe we met those guys years ago and still talk to this day" said Ana as Katrina said something about Joker Out. ,,Im glad we do and did you know Bojan kind of predicted this back then" i said as i putted my long hair in a bun as i sat down with the girls on the couch. ,,No way" said Katrina. ,,This is going to be the best year ever" i said proudly. We made some last small talks and then went home.

Preparing dinner while facetiming Bojan

,,So how was your day" i said while starting to prepare food for my dinner. ,,Best day ever since we got that call for Eurovision" he said excited. ,,How was yours" he added. ,,We disscused our rivals for national selection and then some Jan drama" i said. ,,Jan drama" he said confused. ,,Yeah someone asked Adriana how is her relationship going because she stopped talking about it few months ago" i said. ,,Ah that makes sense, Jan still talks about her so much and when i say a word about you everyone wants to punch me" he said and giggled. ,,Really" i said while putting my food into the oven. ,,Yes Chef" he said and it made me smile. ,,Remember that italian Martino" i said. ,,The bussiness man your parents wanted you to marry right after we met" he said. ,,He got married yesterday, to my cousin" i said. ,,At least he got someone" he said and giggled. ,,I hope we get to Eurovision because i really need to see you after all those years" i said. ,,We have to do something fun in Liverpool" said Bojan. ,,Oh we should" i said while patiently waiting on my food to get ready. ,,Your apartmant didnt change since you moved there" he said and giggled. ,,Your life changed where is your living with parents, im sure they miss their little boy" i said. ,,They miss you so much because i still havent learnt to cook but you know that" he said. ,,I cant believe it Bojan" i said and giggled as i started eating my food because it was finished. ,,I can sense from here that it tastes amazing" he said. ,,Its actually terrible because of Eurovision i got fired and can barely afford rent so my groceries are really old" i said. ,,Woah, im sure you will get in my talented woman" he said. ,,Okay stop" i said and giggled. ,,Have a talk with my old birthday present" i added and turned the camera to that guitar i got when we met. ,,Hello old friend" he said and i choked on food because of my laugh. I ate it quickly and started talking with Bojan in the comfy space of my bed. ,,Look what Kris had send me for my last birthday i forgot to show you" i said and i showed him a photo of us kissing on Lake bled framed in a cute white frame. ,,Aww i miss those times" he said. ,,Didnt you know that i grew slightly from that day" he said as always. ,,I know Bojan you told me a milion times" i said and smiled. ,,I miss you so much Štepči" he said. ,,I do too Bojan but even if my band doesnt get into Eurovision i promise to come to Ljubljana" i said. ,,Ehm you will get in" he corrected me. ,,When will you know" he added. ,,Tommorow the voting ends so i think the day after we should know" i said and he flashed his phone to the camera with the eurovision website that he voted for us. ,,The entire band did yesterday i will send you the video it was fun" he said. ,,Thank you so much im sure your votes will make it happen" i said and smiled. ,,I wanna pull you out of the screen and kiss you so badly please stop teasing me with your smile" he said and i did it even more. ,,Stjepana" he said in a funny way. ,,Bojan shut up i want to sleep, oh hey Štepči" said Kris behind Bojan. ,,Hii and Bojan let your roommate have his sleep" i said. ,,Thank you Štepči" he said as he fell back on his bed. ,,Okay" Bojan said and went to the living room. ,,For gods sake everyone is sleeping, we had few drinks to celebrate and everyone is asleep now at my and Kris's apartmant" he said to get me into the picture. ,,Sounds like fun but also means you should as well have a sleep" i said. ,,I wont miss our daily call" he said and yawned. ,,Go to sleep Bojan sleep is important" i said. ,,But you are more" he said. ,,Never" i said. ,,Can we at least fall asleep together" he begged me. ,,Of course" i said and rested my phone on a pillow and rested my head as well. ,,I'll never leave you Štepči" he said and his eyes immeditally closed. I didnt make a noise, i just stared at him. His jaw changed a lot but his eyes stayed the same. Even tho we talk every day since we met i never noticed that much. His facial hair made him appeare more mature but in reality he was still the same idiot like before. His phone slowly died and Bojans face dissapered. ,,Hey i wanted to have a look on you because you seemed sad today" said Ana who went into my room. She started living with me since her parents didnt want her in the house. ,,Im fine its just my Bojan depression acting up again" i said as she sat down next to me staring at that blank screen. ,,You should go see him, you have your dream Beatle since yesterday go" she insisted. ,,I dont know Ana what if" i said. ,,Nothing will happen, i have to wake up at four tommorow i can wake you up if you will go and i can help you pack right now" she said and hugged me. ,,Thank you so much but i really dont know what if he doesnt want me there" i said. ,,Did you hear him on the phone because i did" she said and draged me to my closet. I could be there only for one night and thats the one tommorow because we have the results the next day. She grabed my brown mom jeans with a black beatles shirt and putted it into my old backpack. ,,Camera because that would be dissaster without it and some underwear with socks" she said. ,,Oh and yeah these" she said as she putted a pack of condoms inside as well. ,,Ana" i said as she did it. ,,What i dont want to be aunt yet" she said and giggled. She left my leather jacket with a gray warm sweather and a black beenie next to my backpack and ordered me to go to sleep.

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