Chapter 7. Vacuum

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It is said when a human faces a situation that endangers them, their body/ organism decides to either fight the situation or flee.

Meerab was unreactive. She went into a state of shock. Meerab and Murtasim held an unwavering gaze, a vaccum formed around them blurring everyone else. But Murtasim too started fading away from the vaccum she created in her mind and now it was only Meerab herself that remained.

Why was everything blank. She knew she was sitting on the sofa, and there was soft murmur. But it felt like she was alone. It was comforting for some reason, she could stay here and not have to deal with the situation at hand.

She was engaged to Faiyaz. It didn't feel wrong. She has known Faiyaz all her life. They've played games together as kids. They have inside jokes when it comes to the Khan family. They've always been the black sheep or the two kids that Maa Begum would always end up scolding. Meerab for her antics and Faiyaz for being Nazia's son.

"Meerab.. Meerab" a faint voice called her. It was Faiyaz. "Are you there?" He chuckled. "Kaisa laga surprise?"

Surprise? This was the surprise? She was surprised but not pleasantly so. It felt like an impending doom. That gut wrenching feeling in her stomach.

Having come back to reality from her haven. Her eyes fell on the empty space on the sofa which had Murtasim on it a couple of minutes ago before she lost herself to her own thoughts.

Where did he go?

She gave a half hearted smile to Faiyaz and stared at the ring on her finger. The stone shone bright. It was either heirloom or they'd spent a good amount of money on it.

But she wanted to speak out loud. Faiyaz wasn't the wrong guy but she did not choose this. This was not how she wanted to get married. She looked at Waqas, he seemed to have a proud look on his face. A father who had done his duty. As if getting his daughter married off was the aim of his life and he was successful in doing so. Her eyes shifted to Anila and she seemed to smiling ear to ear, so happy to now boast around the neighbourhood that her daughter would now be part of the Khan Khandaan in the true sense.

There was so much she wanted to say. Stop the show. Stand up and give back the ring to Faiyaz. But she saw how happy her parents were and not wanting to embarrass them in front of Anwar and Nazia, she held her back from pulling an impulsive act. She'd have to wait until they were gone.

There was an exchange of sweets and small talks between the elders. But Meerab's demeanor hardly changed, staying astute and her eyes not wavering from the empty seat where murtasim was few moments ago.

Faiyaz was trying to make conversations, but there was hardly any response from Meerab's end. There were monosyllabic answers and faint nods. After what seemed like hours to Meerab, the dreadful moment had finally come to an end. The elders kept exchanging notes here and there and while this gathering was for Meerab and faiyaz, their discussion only revolved around money and land, which made Meerab roll her eyes. While such important life changing moments were happening, all they cared about was money.

Everyone walked out to the patio of the house to depart to where the cars were parked but Meerab stopped at the door on wanting to step ahead, she wanted them to leave so that she could

a) Tell her parents that this was not done

b) just hide herself in the room and cry

So she stood while everyone went about unaware of the storm inside of her. Faiyaz like good lad turned around, with his most charming smile "Meerab, are you okay" she faked a smile and nodded. He wasn't convinced so instead of moving along with his parents to where the cars were parked, he turned around and walked up to her. Meerab was standing with her hands crossed in front of her, almost like a shield. He came closer and held her by the elbow. With a knowing look "Hey, I know this was sudden but don't you think our parents made the best decision" . She looked at him bewildered. This is not the faiyaz she knew. He asked, he was conscious about the decisions he made. He was a dentist for god sakes. You don't go around making such haste decisions, that too about marriage like that.

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