Chapter 1: Astronomy tower (Draco's Perspective)

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Harry POV:

"I'm just gonna do it, I'm sick of it, I'm just gonna jump": I say to myself while standing on the Astronomy tower. I want to jump but hear a noise. I ignore it and almost jump when I feel somebody holding my hands.

Draco POV:

I was just walking up the stairs of the Astronomy tower when I see fucking Potter wanting to jump down here. I want to go when my humanity kicks in. I run towards Potter and hold his hands to stop him from jumping down here. He turns his head a bit and says: "What the-". I say: "calm down it's just me, come over here", while pulling him to me. He doesn't say anything and we just stay there for a few minutes, hugging when Har- no Potter starts to cry. "shh It's ok, you're gonna be ok": I say while trying to comfort him. I'm clearly not that good at it but he still calms down a bit. After about ten minutes, Potter says: "why *sniff* umm *sniff* why did you *sniff* stop me?"
"umm well just because we are enemies, it doesn't mean that I can't stop you from jumping down the fucking Astronomy tower. But why did you want to jump anyway?"
When I say that, Potter starts crying again but loads now.
"'s just all too much... it's all my fault... the war...everything"
"Hey Potter calm down it's not your fault. First the war didn't happen because of you it was because of Voldemort who decided to take over the wizarding world by killing thousands of wizards and Second what exactly is too much? Talk to me"
"Everything is too much because of me lots of people died, Ron's brother died because of me, Dumbledore died because of me. I died because I was stupid and went into that forest"
"Potter, calm down. Those people didn't die because of you they died because they fought for the best and umm Dumbledore kinda died because of me well officially because of Snape but I was about to do it. Anyway it's not about me now, it's about you. I have to help you"
"you do not have to help me. I'm fine. Just leave me alone"
With that saying, Potter gets away from me and wants to go down the tower but I hold him at his hand and say:
"Harry wait, if you wanna talk to me just come to my room. I have one with Blaise but he usually sleeps over at Pansys, so yeah I'm usually alone"
He nods and continues to go down. After a few minutes, I go down too.
It is now dinner time in the great hall and as I see Potter walking inside, to his friends, I feel those weird butterflies in my stomach which I felt when me and Potter hugged on the Astronomy tower or when I touched his hands to stop him from jumping down. Stop Malfoy, stop thinking about Potter just focus on your food.
As Pansy punches me in my arm to get my attention she says:"Malfoy you're staring at fucking Potter" "why would I do that? First Im not staring and second definitely not at Potter"
I was staring at Potter, he looks kinda cute I guess. No no stop thinking about Potter and did I really just thought that Potter is cute. No no I would never, I meeeean...NO
"Malfoy-": Pansy says punching me again:"-you are doing it again"
"Ok I'm gonna go to my room"
I stand up and walk out of the great hall to my room. Blaise is coming a few minutes later and says:
"I'm gonna sleep over at Pansys again. Anyway what was that with Potter? You literally stared at him the whole time we were in the great hall"
"Blaise you know you're like my best friend and I trust you, so if you gonna tell anyone what I'm telling you know, I'm gonna kill you, Understand?"
"gosh calm down Draco, I'm not gonna tell anyone, just spit it out I'm waiting"
"uhmm ok well do you know the feeling when you like have butterflies in your stomach when you see one specific person?"
"yeah obviously I mean I have a girlfriend. WAIT are you trying to say that you have that feeling with Potter?"
I lay down on my bed and say desperate:
"ughh I don't know. Maybe. it's complicated. I can't like Potter that way but there was that time on the Astronomy tower when he wanted to jump down and-"
"wait Harry wanted to jump down the Astronomy tower and what exactly did you do?"
"I stopped him and then uhmm we hugged and he didn't try to you know go away, I think he enjoyed it ughh why does feelings exist?"
"I don't know but you seem like you forgot to tell me something important"
"you're right well after like 20 minutes or something he wanted to go down to his room but I grabbed his hand and said he can always come and talk to me and that he could come to my room. He just nodded and left. Why does he do this to me?"
"I think you started all of that Draco."
"I know but I couldn't just let him jump down"
"I know but what do you think he feels now?"
"ughh  I don't know but I think I like him and not just as friends"
"I suspected as much but tell me if he comes and what you two did. I have to go now, Pansy is waiting."
I nod kinda annoyed from Blaise's comment and just lay on my bed for the rest of the evening until I hear someone at my door knocking. I go to open the door but nobody stands there. I want to close the door again when I see Potter's head. He looks like he cried again but still smiles.
his smile is so wonderful even though it covers up his pain.
Anyway he still looks at me and says:
"hi do you wanna come in?"
"that's what I'm here for isn't it?"
I laugh a bit and Potter comes inside while giggling too.
He's such a cutie his smile, giggling and his eyes matching with his kinda messy but cute hair. No Malfoy stop what if he doesn't feel that way about you?
Anyway I sit down on my bed and say:
"come here I'm not gonna bite you": while patting onto the other bed side. Harry does as I say and sits down next to me.
"why are you being so nice to me? I mean I definitely do not deserve such kindness"
"Harry, you deserve kindness. I mean maybe not especially from me but you do"
"but why from you? I feel like you are the only person that understands all of this"
"I don't know but thanks I guess"
"Why are you here anyway? I thought we were enemies like you said it on the Astronomy tower"
"uhmm - Potter starts to blush- I don't know you offered it and I thought maybe we could leave our rivals behind us and just you know don't totally hate each other?!"
"Ok I guess that could work"
Potter smiles and we just sit on my bed, now cuddling, until I hear snoring. Well I guess Potter fell asleep. Gosh he's cute. I fall asleep a while later.

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