Chapter 10: The potion ✨

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Draco POV:

~the next morning~

I wake up early after hearing Blaise come in. He probably tried to be quiet but he really was not. I look at him annoyed and say:
"you should really learn to be quiet you idiot"
"good morning to you too, Draco"
I roll my eyes and look down at Harry who is still sleeping. He looks so cute like that, I mean he always looks cute but when he sleeps it's a whole new level of being cute. I mean his dark hair, his smile while he dreams and his emerald green eyes..
Now looking at me, Harry says sleepy:
"good morning Harry"
He yawns and says: "what time is it?"
"I dunno but I know that it is too early"
I look at Blaise with a death stare, signalising him that it is his fault we're up so early. Harry follows my eyes and looks at Blaise, saying:
"oh hi Blaise"
"hey Harry, soo are you guys dating now it's getting kinda ridiculous with you two?"
I can basically feel Harry getting uncomfortable with Blaise asking. I don't know why he gets uncomfortable, maybe because Blaise is being so direct..or maybe because he didn't even talked to his friends about all of this... That's why I say to Blaise:
"none of your business, if we were you are gonna find out like everyone else"
Now Harry is getting calm and relaxed, I can tell from his even breathing.
"now what is your plan? Don't you have to finish that potion?": Blaise asks.
The next thing I know is Harry sitting up faster than usual, saying:
"shit he's right, cmon Dray we have to go"
"thanks Blaise." I roll my eyes at him and turn back to Harry saying:
"Harry calm down, we have all day to finish the potion and we do not have to start right now"
"right umm.."
Something is off with him. He's not behaving like normal, if you can say his behaviour is normal. He's like so panicked and scared and uncomfortable with being asked about something. That is not normal anymore...
"So I don't know what you two are gonna do now but I'll just lay down and do nothing until it's time for breakfast. Have fun"
With that saying, Blaise lays down on his bed, closes the curtains and puts a Muffliato spell over his bed.
Harry laid back down and says:
I put a Muffliato spell over my bed as well cause this is gonna be a serious conversation.
"why are you apologising Harry?"
"I dunno, it just seems like the right thing to do after doing something stupid"
"Harry what are you saying? When did you do something stupid that you'd have to apologise for?"
"umm just a minute ago when I got stressed because we have to do that potion"
"that wasn't stupid Harry, that is normal"
"how is that normal?"
"Harry be honest with me ok? Have you ever seen Granger not stress about a grade?"
"No, she's always stressed about a grade or a paper or anything school related"
"See there you have your answer, it is completely normal for a student to get stressed about a grade"
We hug and I kiss Harry on his head before he says:
"Draco, I'm tired can we go back to sleep?"
"yeah of course you don't have to ask, Harry"
He slowly nods and next thing I hear from him is his cute little snoring. I don't fall back asleep, I just watch Harry get his sleep. I can't sleep now, I'm too awake. The fact that Harry is behaving weird is keeping me awake. His behaviour is not normal:
first the attempted jump from the astronomy tower, then the eating thing, the panic attacks, then him not telling his friends anything about his life and the self harm. I don't know if he's done it in the past weeks or anything and I hope he hasn't but I'm worried about him...

Two hours later, Blaise opens the curtains of my bed, saying:
"Come on you two we have to go to breakfast"
"yes Blaise, we're gonna be with you in just a sec"
"ok I'll wait at the Slytherin table"
I nod and Harry slowly wakes up. He stretches, yawns and says:
"what do I do now?"
"what do you mean?"
"with Hermione and Ron? What do I say to them? How do I get this right again?"
"don't worry about it just now, we're gonna go eat and afterwards we have to do the potion and then we'll talk to them"
"ok thanks"
"come on Harry let's go"
He nods, gives me a kiss and we go to the great hall.

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