Chapter 12: scary

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one day before Draco's father comes

Harry POV:
I did. it again, I cut myself again and Draco knows. But that is not relevant. More relevant is the fact that Draco and I are probably going to be torn apart tomorrow because of his stupid father.
Draco and I just woke up and I'm already thinking about that. I can feel a silent tear rolling down my cheek. Draco sees it too and asks:
"Harry whats wrong?"
"Nothing I was just thinking"
"about what?"
"you and me being torn apart"
"Harry, we're gonna make it work. We have to. We're gonna write letters every day to stay in touch and we'll see each other as often as possible."
"but what if your father won't allow it?"
"I dunno we're just gonna make it work somehow"
I just nod and we get dressed. Breakfast and the rest of the day was ok. I mean it was horrible tomorrow by this time we're probably not gonna see each other anymore. But Draco and I spent the whole day together and now we sleep in my bed the last time in forever. Cuddling with him. Having him that close to me.
Maybe we are just overreacting. I hope we're just are but we are probably right about it. Dracos father is cruel, he told me about it. The times he tortured Draco just because they didn't have the same opinion.
Anyway I wear a hoodie from Draco now, to keep at least a part of him with me. He has my Gryffindor scarf. We're going to sleep now and tomorrow is gonna be torture.

the next day
Today is the day.
I wake up normal but it isn't normal, Draco is gone. He isn't next to me anymore. He's gone. He left me. Wait he left me a note on my nightstand. I read it:
Dear Harry,
I'm so sorry but it is better if I leave you without seeing your beautiful sad smile looking at me. Or hearing your sad voice. I couldn't do that. That's why I'm writing you this. I wanna be with you forever but that won't work not with my father. He would never allow it.
I'm on my way back to Malfoy Manor. My father knows about us and he's going to punish me for it but I'm gonna be ok. Please Harry stay where you are, I don't want you get hurt even more.
Mc Gonagall told me to pack my stuff early this morning. I would have woken you up but I just couldn't. I couldn't see your sad smile and silent tears while I'm leaving you forever.
I love you Harry Potter and I always will. I hope we have another chance some day soon but for now I have to leave you.
I love you.
Your Draco
He's gone, he's really gone. I feel myself starting to cry. I'm crying. He's gone and he'll never come back. I read his letter over and over again. The mittel part is stuck in my head. He's gonna get punished. From his stories I know that that is not good. I have to help him even though he doesn't want me to but I have to.
Ron wakes up soon after and looks at me saying:
"Are you ok Harry?"
"no I'm not"
I look at the letter and back at Ron saying:
"Ron, Draco left and he's in danger. I have to help him but please don't tell Hermione about it. Or anyone else, I have to do this alone. I don't want y'all get hurt too"
I stand up from my bed and get dressed quickly.
"Harry wait a minute. You're seriously saying that you all alone are going to rescue Malfoy from his abusive father, And you expect me to not tell anyone"
"yeah pretty much. See you tomorrow"
I leave the door ignoring Ron saying my name. I have to help Draco.
As I'm about to go out of the castle to apparate, Ron touches my shoulder with Hermione next to me. Hermione looks at me in concern, saying:
"Harry you are not going to go alone. We're gonna come with you"
"No Hermione you're not. I have to do this alone. Good bye"
I apparate to the front of Malfoy Manor. Ron and Hermione stay behind.
I regret my decision for just a moment but then I hear Draco screaming in pain.

I walk into the living room where Draco is breaking down on his knees from pain. He looks at me sad but also with hope. He slowly shakes his head but I just ignore him and point my wand at Lucius saying: "Stupor"
Lucius flies across the room away from Draco. I run to Draco but as soon as I get close to him, Lucius says: "crucio"
I break down on my knees in pain.
Draco screams: "Noooooo" while Lucius keeps torturing me.
Draco says crying: "Please Father please Stop!"
Lucius ignores him with a disgusted look and continues to torture me. I can feel the pain rushing through my body and next thing I know is black....

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