Chapter 6 continue/Chapter 7: spin the bottle

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Harry POV:

I feel Draco watching me while I go out of the great hall.
I go into the corridor and as soon as I'm on my way to the Gryffindor Tower, I feel someone stopping me. So I turn around confused while saying: "What the-"
I get interrupted by Draco who's saying: "calm down it's just me"
"Why can't you just ask me to stop? Why do you have to grab my hand?"
"because you wouldn't listen anyway, where are you heading?"
"to my room"
"oh ok but you gotta come over to mine later"
"why exactly?"
"because we're gonna play a game with Blaise and your friends if they want too, you gotta ask them"
"ok fine, see you later, Malfoy": I say while leaving. Just now I realise that Draco held my hand the whole time we were talking.
As I go into the Gryffindor common room, I already see Ron and Hermione waiting for me which is weird since I walked out of the great hall before them. Considering my confusion I ask:
"What are you two already doing here? I left first and come here second?! That doesn't make sense"
"I don't know you probably were too focused on talking to Draco that you didn't notice that we walked past you two": Hermione says smiling.
"Oh ok, I'm gonna go to my room"
"Ok bye"
As I walk to the stairs that lead to the boys rooms I remember what Draco told me, so I turn around and say:
"Oh wait before I go, do you two want to play a game with me, Blaise and Draco later in their room?"
"sure but what game?": Hermione asks after looking at Ron to make sure he wants too.
"uhmm I honestly don't know, Draco didn't tell me"
"Ok, then it's gonna be a surprise": Ron says clearly annoyed to be there.
I just nod and continue my way to my room. After I went inside, I sit down on my bed, lean against the wall and grab the marauders map.
I don't know why but I immediately searched for Draco on the map who is moving towards his room. After a few minutes of just staring at the map, Ron comes in and asks: "why did you left the great hall so early?"
"just cause I wasn't hungry and bored"
"oh ok so not because Draco was staring at you?"
"No-no why should I leave because of that?" I can feel that I'm starting to blush.
"uhmm maybe because of something you don't tell us"
"I'm telling y'all what you need to know and since nothing happened that you gotta know, I'm not telling you anything"
"yeah right": he says while smiling. I roll my eyes and go to the bathroom to get ready for later. I don't even know when later Draco wanted me to be there but I'm just gonna go in about 20 minutes.
I get into the bathroom after I grabbed my clothes and go shower. As I undress myself I feel the pain again. Why does it hurt so bad? I mean it felt amazing in the moment but afterwards it's just torture.
I ignore the pain, shower, get dressed, do my hair, brush my teeth and go back to Ron who's already standing ready in front of the door. As I walk towards him he asks:
"why did you shower we're just going to Malfoy and Zabini"
"I know but I just did so"
He smiles with a -you-showered-for-him-smile- and goes out the door. I follow him, rolling my eyes again.

~start of Chapter 7~

On the way to the Slytherins we meet with Hermione and continue to go to Draco and Blaise. As we get to the wall to enter the Slytherin common room we already see Draco standing in front of it waiting for us. Hermione and Ron just greet him and go inside, I do the same but as I walk past Draco he whispers into my ear:
"are you ready, Potter?"
I look at him confused and ask: "for what exactly?"
He doesn't answer and just grabs my hand and we walk into the Slytherin common room. It looks like ours just in green and Ron and Hermione stand there watching us confused smiling. We walk past them, still holding hands, into Draco and Blaise's room where he is waiting, sitting on the floor with a bottle in front of him. I guess we're playing spin the bottle now. As he sees us he stands up, greets us and gives all of us a shot of Veritaserum again, just like when we played truth or dare.
We all sit down after drinking the shot, me in pain, and Blaise explains the game:
"So I hope you know what spin the bottle usually is but here in Slytherin we play it different: if the bottle lands on you, the person who span can either kiss you or ask you a question which you have to answer honestly which shouldn't be a problem since we all drank Veritaserum."
We all nod and Blaise starts to spin the bottle, it lands on Hermione who is surprisingly willing to kiss Blaise, which makes Ron definitely jealous.
The game goes on and Ron has to kiss me, Hermione asks Draco if he has a crush on someone, he said yes, and now it's his turn to spin the bottle.
The bottle lands on me and Hermione immediately says:
"nope, no way, spin again Draco. You are not kissing my best friend. If you do I'm gonna repeat what I did in the 3rd year"
Draco says  unfortunately a bit too loud:
"It's not like it'd be the first time we've kissed"
After I realised he said that I hear Blaise next to Ron say:
"this place about to blow"
"what do you mean not the first time you've kissed?": asks Hermione getting angry
"Did I say that out loud?": says Draco standing up. He starts to run away from Hermione who's yelling, running after him:
"You...I am going to get you. Come here"
"he fucked up, Harry": says Ron to me
"I know"
A few moments later Hermione comes back with Draco, who has a black eye.
"Oh my God, Hermione what did you do?": I say, kinda panicking
"I-I didn't do anything, he ran into the wall": says Hermione, smirking at Draco
Draco rolls his eyes and sits down next to me, leaning against my shoulder.
"Are you ok except from your eye?": I ask cause I couldn't find anything else to say.
"No, I ran into a fucking wall, Potter"
"I know, I heard": I say giggling
Draco looks at me annoyed and says:
"I will never play that game again"
We just sit there in silence until Ron asks:
"So how long has this been going on with you two": while pointing at me and Draco
"uhmm what exactly": I ask playing dumb
"that, being nice to each other"
I look down at Draco who says to Ron:
"none of your business, Weasley"
"Fine, *turning to me* I'm gonna find it out anyway"
I roll my eyes and we sit in silence again. After a few minutes, Ron and Hermione decide to leave and Blaise takes that opportunity to ask:
"sooo since those two are gone, can y'all tell me what the hell happened today before dinner and what exactly is that between you two?"
Draco sits up and says annoyed:
"first of all what happened is none of your business and considering your question at the dinner table, you already now and second we don't know yet"
I just nod to signalise Draco that he's right and Blaise nods too, says that he goes to Pansy for the night and leaves.
Now it's just me and Draco and we stand up and Draco grabs a bottle of way too fancy wine and says:
"wanna drink some?"
"sure, I could use some but isn't that for special occasions?"
"it just looks like it but it's honestly not that fancy"
"ah ok"
He gives me a glass and we toast, drink some, and sit down on Dracos bed, leaning against the wall. The wine does not taste that good but it's ok and I think I'll need some if I wanna sleep tonight with the pain. After we drank about half the bottle while talking about something irrelevant, the alcohol starts to kick in and I ask:
"Ayo fuck this"
"Are we dating?"
"Are we fucking?"
"Are we best friends?"
"Are we something?"
Draco's reaction confused me at first but then he continued...
"We? We're nothing"
"But you, Potter"
He touches my chin with two fingers turns it to him, so I have to see eye to eye with him and whispers :
"You're mine"
He starts to kiss me intense but I feel nauseas all of a sudden, stop the kiss and run to the bathroom. As I get there I throw up in the toilet. Draco comes after me and looks at me worried. I just simply say:
"I think my body rejects wine"
"yeah looks like it, cmon we'll get you to bed": he says while pulling me up with his hands. As we get back to Dracos bed, I sit down, leaning against the wall and Draco throws a hoodie at me that he just grabbed out of his closet. I look at it confused and ask:
"why do I need your hoodie?"
"uhmm you kinda threw up on yourself and you're actually not wearing anything at the top right now"
Wow the wine really kicks in when I can't even remember what happened two minutes ago.
I look down at me and say:
"oh, right", while putting Dracos comfy, too big, hoodie on. After I put it on, I thank Draco and he sits down next to me. I lean against his shoulder and say:
"I feel like shit again"
"why? because of the wine or.."
"both, I'm confused about you and me and I-I don't even know what this wine did to me but I feel nauseas again but not like I need to throw up but like generally nauseas. Does that make sense? I don't know"
"It does make sense but you're not the only one who's confused about us. I'm confused too but we are not going to talk about that now because you're kinda drunk"
"I'm not drunk, I got rid of it by throwing up..wait what"
"Harry Potter, it's clear that your body rejects alcohol in general, so you are drunk when you don't even know what you said"

Draco POV:

"oh fine, can we cuddle?": Harry says with Puppy eyes, I nod and he cuddles into my chest after we laid down properly. We just lay there until we both fall asleep.

3am in the morning:

I wake up in the middle of the night cause I hear Harry breathing heavily next to me. I look at him and he's panicking so I try to wake him up:
"Harry! Wake up! Harry! Harry!"
After a few minutes, he does wake up and says looking around disoriented :
"wha-where how?"
"Harry, look at me, I'm here with you. Safe"
He shakes his head and says:
"no, no, no Snape and-and Sirius and Cedric I-I let them die, they died in front of me and-and I-I ddid nothing"
"Harry *I stop his head moving, forcing him to look at me* calm down. It is not your fault. We're going to get through this ok? You're not alone"
He doesn't listen and shakes his head again. He starts to panic and can't breathe properly. I try to get him focused on his breathing but he won't listen and continues to shake his head. So I just do the first thing that comes to my mind which is kissing him...
During the kiss I feel Harry calming down and afterwards he says out of breath:
"How'd you do that?"
"I, uh... read once holding your breath can stop a panic attack. So... when I kissed you... you held your breath."
"I did?"
"yeah. you did."
"Thanks. That was really smart."
I sigh and pull Harry into a hug. I never hug but with him, I like it..
"don't ever do that to me again. I was terrified"
"I try..": he says with his sleepy voice
"good but let's go back to sleep, we have school tomorrow again"
"yeah, I'm tired. Good night Draco, I love you"
"Good night Harry, I love you too"
Now we both fall asleep,Harry in my arm.

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