Chapter 11: father

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Draco POV:

On our way back to the castle, Harry shivers even more. So I stop walking and give him my hoodie.
"aren't you cold, Dray": he says while putting on my hoodie. He looks so cute with it, it's too big for him which just looks adorable.
"I don't do cold, Harry"
He just smiles at me and we go into the castle.

It is now 11pm which is way past the time we should walk around the castle. Harry says quietly:
"Draco we should go"
"I dunno to sleep?!"
"cmon we'll go to my room"
So we go to my room. Blaise is already asleep but he sleeps so good that he doesn't even hear us walk in. I change from my jeans and shirt into my pyjama. While I do it I can see Harry watching me from my bed.
"stop staring, Harry"
He blushes. "I'm not staring"
"calm down I'm just teasing you"
He rolls his eyes. Harry doesn't change, he keeps my hoodie and his joggers on. I lay down on my bed next to him and say:
"do you think it would be different if we would've shook hands in our first year?"
"I dunno maybe, mealy be we would've never ended up like this. Maybe we would just be friends now"
"maybe but I'm glad that we ended up like that"
"me too" He yawns. Suddenly we hear Blaise talking:
"go to sleep, Love birds"
We let out a little laugh and Blaise says:
I put a muffliato spell over my bed so Blaise won't here us.
"So Harry do you have something to tell me?"
"no why would I?"
"I dunno I was just curious"
"oh ok, do you have something to tell me?"
"nah... oh wait I just remembered to ask you something"
"what is it?"
"what are we gonna do when my father gets out of Askaban? That is in like two to three weeks"
"oh I dunno we'll figure something out"
He yawns again.
"Someone is really tired"
"today was tiring"
"yeah, good night Haz"
"Good night Dray"
Harry falls asleep first and I fall asleep while watching him.

*one week later*
"Harry come on we're gonna be late for Mc Gonagalls class"
"I'm coming"
It is 2pm and we're on our way to Mc Gonagalls class but Harry is taking too long to say goodbye to Hagrid. It's annoying but I give him that time.
We rush to the class and get inside.
"you two are late"
"sorry Professor, Hagrid held us back"
"ok but you're gonna get punished for being late: 10 points from Gryffindor and Slytherin"
We nod and Harry goes to sit next to Ron while I sit down next to Blaise. He says:
"what were you two doing so long?"
"Harry talked to Hagrid about us and he was so excited that we got carried away"
"Another 5 points from Slytherin for talking in my class, Mister Malfoy can you please tell me what I was trying to teach you?"
"No sorry Professor I wasn't listening"
"Ok class..."
Mc Gonagall goes back to teaching while I look over at Harry who isn't paying attention either. Instead he writes something on a piece of paper and gives it to Ron. Ron passes it over to Hermione and Hermione to Blaise and lastly Blaise to me.
Harry's note says:
Now my house is in the lead because of you, thanks Dray.
love, your boyfriend
He's so stupid and adorable at the same time. I write back to him:
I will get that points back just wait, maybe later when we play Quidditch against each other. I'm telling you I will win against you.
love, Malfoy
I pass the note back to Harry and he writes back:
that is what you think Draco but if I distract (what I will cause you always stare at me) I will get the Snatch and win the game.
love, your amazing Harry
I write back:
you wish. Just because you're good looking doesn't mean I get distracted by you that easy. I will win.
love, your even more amazing Draco
He answers a question from Mc Gonagall and answers:
we'll see.
love you
I write back:
you're right
love you too
I pass it back when Blaise says:
"you two are so adorable it's sometimes unbelievable"
"shut up"
The lesson ends and Harry and I are held back by Mc Gonagall:
"Mister Malfoy and Mister Potter what is going on with you two? I've noticed that you spend more time together and mostly come late to class when you're together"
Harry clearly blushes but says or at least try's to say:
"Sorry Professor umm we're umm-how do I say that- umm we're"
"What Harry is trying to say is that we're dating for like 3 weeks now and yeah"
"thanks": Harry says quietly
After a few minutes of just looking from me to Harry and back to me Mc Gonagall says:
"well I suspected as much but please try and come to class on point"
We nod and leave the class.

later that day
Harry and I don't have to go to anymore classes today so we decided that we chill out in the room of requirements. We enter it and it looks like a mix of both of our rooms. There is a bed and a sofa and a fireplace. It's quite comfy.
Harry and I sit down on the sofa in front of the fireplace when Harry says:
"we still didn't figure out what to do about your father when he comes back. That is in like 2 weeks"
"Harry don't worry I'll talk to him about me being gay and then about us and we'll see what he says to that"
He lays his head on my shoulder, holding my hand, and watches the fire. I don't. I look at him. I hope my father will accept it, I hope he won't hurt me or Harry for being ourselves. But thinking about that he isn't quite understanding. One time he tortured me just because I refused to go to a Voldemort meeting. That was horrible and if-
No Draco, no he's your father he won't hurt Harry. Hopefully.
I can feel that I'm scared to loose Harry because of him and I know that Harry is scared too but we'll get through it. Together.
Harry looks at me sad, saying:
"I am not going to loose you because of your father right?"
"I hope not Harry, I hope he'll just accept it"
"yeah hopefully he will but if he doesn't you need to remember that I'll always love you no matter what"
I kiss him on the head and say:
"I love you, Harry Potter and I'll always will"
I look him in his wonderful emerald green eyes which are filled with hope but also fear.
We stay in the room of requirements when we fall asleep at like 11pm.

one more week later
Harry and I didn't spend that much time together the last week because he mostly spend time with his friends and we tried to prepare for the weeks we won't see each other every day because of my father. But it is dinner time and I'm on my way to the Gryffindor table to talk to Harry. I stay behind him while hearing an interesting conversation between him and his friends:
Harry says: "Draco, doesn't own me! what are you even saying Ron?"
Ron replies the truth: "oh yes he does"
Hermione: "yes he does"
I sit down next to Harry saying: "yes I do, Harry"
Harry turns around in shock and sees me touching his thigh.
Harry clearly enjoys it and says: "Ok you do."
Ron turns to Hermione saying something that I can't quite catch while I say to Harry:
"we should talk about my father"
Harry slowly nods and we walk out of the great hall.
In the corridor, we stand still and I start:
"Harry umm there has been a change of plan"
"what do you mean?"
"my father is not coming next week, he's being released in two days"
"Wait what how can this be? What are we gonna do?"
"I dunno Harry but I think we should spend the rest two days together and then we'll see what happens"
"ok good umm we're gonna make it work"
I nod and we go into my room together.
Harry sits down on my bed saying:
"I have to tell you something"
I walk over to him. He slowly pulls up his sleeve while he keeps apologising for it. He cut himself, I hoped so much that he wouldn't but he did.
I look at him in concern and ask:
"Harry when did you do that?"
"yesterday. I-I'm sorry I-I shouldn't have done that. I tried not to but I-I just I couldn't resist. I'm sorry"
"Hey Harry calm down it is not your fault. We're gonna get through it together"
"how? Draco you probably have to leave in two days because of your father and then I'm alone with this. I can't do this alone. Not anymore. Not after I trusted you with all of that"
Harry starts to cry and I slowly pull him into a hug.
"we're gonna make it work Harry. We have to"
He cries on my shoulder and I stroke his hair and pat his back to try and comfort him.
Only two more days with him before we probably get torn apart forever. And now he cut himself. I can't help him if I'm not here but I have to. I have to help him. I can't leave him like that all alone with his feelings. I should be the one saying sorry not he.
We hug a bit more when I hear Harry's little snoring. I lay down with him in my arm and we sleep.

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