Chapter 4: Truth or Dare

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Draco POV:

As I walk inside the great hall, I see Blaise already waiting for me at the Slytherin table. I sit down and look out for Harry but obviously he isn't here yet I mean he just got released and is probably talking to Granger and Weasley about me right now. Blaise realises that I look around searching for Harry and says:
"Draco, he isn't here"
"I know I'm not blind"
"Well maybe you can see him later but first you gotta tell me why you wasn't in our room this morning"
"Can we please not talk about this here?"
"Fine but you gotta tell me before we meet them later"
"meet? Why? Who?"
"We meet with Pansy, Ron, Hermione and obviously Harry after dinner because we're going to play Truth or Dare with them"
"wait how did you decide this all of a sudden?"
"uhmm Pansy and I talked with Ron and Hermione after the Quidditch match yesterday and yeah we decided we should play. I mean they probably have to ask Harry too but yeah"
"ok good I'll be there when exactly is it?"
"today, in the gryffindor common room after dinner"
"ok but now let's eat"
"yeah and uh well done Draco, you know with Harry"
"ugh shut up and eat"
We eat our breakfast and as I finish, I try to spot Harry again and he is coming right now with Garnger and Weasley. He looks like he's been crying a bit, maybe about something related to me, wait that can't be except he wanted to talk about that night in the Astronomy tower than it's understandable.
Anyway Granger and Weasley look like they haven't asked him but as they sit down I see Harry nodding to something. I don't know what but I'm guessing to Truth or Dare.

Harry POV:
We are just on our way to the great hall for breakfast after I got back from the hospital wing. As we walk inside I feel Draco looking at me again but I just ignore it and we sit down.
"yes, Hermione"
"Ron and I talked to Blaise and Pansy yesterday and we wanted to ask you if you'd like to play Truth or Dare with me, Ron, them and Draco after dinner today?"
"sure": I say while nodding.
The rest of the day is just like every other day: spending time with Hermione and Ron, eating, classes with other houses (Slytherin) and studying.
It is finally dinner time and we all go into the great hall. As we walk inside, I feel Draco looking at me again. When does he stop with that. I mean I don't mind but it kinda freaks me out that he stares at me every single time and not just in the great hall no also in the classroom and corridors and stuff. I mean he's been really nice to me lately but it's still weird.
Anyway Dinner is over and Hermione, Ron and I go back to the Gryffindor common room to prepare snacks and stuff for the Truth or Dare game with Draco, Pansy and Blaise. After we got everything ready Draco and the others come, Hermione opens the door and we sit down in a circle.

Draco POV:

Everything is going great so far: no complications with anybody the whole day, Truth or Dare with Harry and sitting next to him while we play.
But before we start Blaise says:
"Hermione did you got it?"
"got what": asks everyone
"yes Blaise I did here": she says while giving Blaise a little bottle of Veritaserum.
"Thanks and now we mix that with a bit of Fire-whiskey and everybody is going to tell the truth while playing this game"
"ok good": Hermione says while giving everyone a glass with the Fire-whiskey-Veritaserum-mix in it. We all drink the mix at the same time and the game starts.
It's Blaise's turn first and he asks Ron:
"Ron, Truth or Dare?"
"uhmm Truth"
"ok, Do you love someone else than Hermione?"
"Nope I love her unconditionally"
Ron and Hermione kiss and the game goes on and on like this until it's Blaise's turn again. This time he asks Harry:
"Harry, Truth or Dare"
"Truth, I guess"
I think Harry had a bit more Fire-whiskey than the rest of us. Anyway Blaise asks:
"Do you love someone?"
Wait what Harry Potter loves someone. Maybe it is me.
The game continues and after a few shots and questions it's Pansy's turn and she obviously asks me:
"Truth or Dare, Malfoy?"
"uhm Dare"
"ok you have to drink two shots of Fire-whiskey"
"ok easy": I say while standing up. I drink those shots and sit back down now it's my turn, so I ask:
"Truth or Dare, Potter?"
"uhmm Truth"
"Who do you love?"
He stands up and starts to sing: "I can't help but love you, even though I try not to-"
it's weird why does he sing to me?
I feel like I'm blushing, turn to Blaise and say to him:
"Is Potter seriously singing?"
"uhmm yes to you, Draco. I think he had a bit too much alcohol"
Harry continues singing:
"I can't help but want you. I know that I'd die without you.."
"ok,ok I got it Harry come on, we go"
I stand up, grab Harry's hand and we go to his bedroom. As we go inside I ask:
"Was that real? Did you mean it?"
"uhh what do you mean?"
"well you just sang but you're drunk so let's get you to bed and you'll be sober tomorrow"
"wait what? I thought I would always be like that": he says stumbling towards his bed
"Ok now go to bed you are too drunk to have a proper conversation"
Harry lays down on his bed and I get him a bucket, just in case. He falls asleep pretty fast and I lay down on the couch in his and Ron's room which stands next to his bed. Thankfully Weasley doesn't come inside, he probably sleeps at Grangers but I stay on the sofa and fall asleep after about 20 minutes.

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