Chapter 13: date

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Draco POV:

The next week after my father tortured me and Harry was quite good. Harry and I spent most of the time together and Harry didn't cut himself again and eats kinda normal again. I'm so proud of him. I would never admit that in front of him but I am.
Anyway today is a special day for me and Harry because -he doesn't know it yet- I've planned our very first official date. It's currently 8am in the morning, Harry is still sleeping but I can't I'm to excited and nervous. What if something goes wrong? What if he doesn't like it? What if- Draco calm down it's gonna be great.
I watch Harry sleep as I stroke his hair. I love his hair. About 30 minutes later Blaise comes in saying:
"Sorry Draco did I wake you up again?"
"nah I woke up half an hour ago"
"why's that"
"cause I can't sleep. I'm too nervous to sleep"
"why are you nervous"
"didn't I told you that? Whatever today is our first official date. I mean I have to tell Harry of course but yeah.."
"wow finally, I thought you already had one"
"no not really, I mean we've spent a lot of time together but never on a real date"
"well good luck then"
Blaise lays down on his bed and reads a book. I keep watching Harry sleep. Another 30 minutes later I'm bored and read a book that Harry recommended. It is quite good actually.
At about 10am Harry wakes up. He yawns and looks at me with his dreamy smile, saying:
"good morning Dray"
"good morning Haz"
"since when are you awake?"
"why's that?"
"ummm I'm gonna show you later"
He lays down on my chest and we talk about the book and other things when Blaise says:
"come on love birds it's time for breakfast"
"yes Blaise we're coming"
Harry stretches again and we get dressed. Harry keeps my hoodie on and we walk into the great hall, sitting down at the Gryffindor table. Hermione looks at Harry than at me and back at Harry and says:
"Harry you are aware that you're wearing Draco's hoodie?"
"yeah why?"
"just a thought"
Harry continues to eat his cereal when Ginny says from the side:
"the hoodie looks good on you Harry"
They haven't talked properly in ages and now the first thing she says to him is that he looks good! That's not good and weird. Yeah I am jealous but that is his ex of course I'm jealous.
Harry looks at me and says back to her: "umm thanks"
She smiles at him and Ron says: "you're so jealous Draco"
"I'm not"
"you are sweetie but it's ok"
I roll my eyes at both Harry and Ron and continue to eat.

After breakfast Harry and I decide to go outside. We lay down on the grass and I say:
"do you know what you've told me when I asked you if you want to be my boyfriend?"
"yeah why?"
"because today is the day of our very first official date"
"oh my god, Draco you're amazing"
He kisses me and asks:
"what are we gonna do?"
"that's a surprise"
"can you please tell me?"
"you think asking me again is gonna make me tell you. you're wrong. But I can tell you that it is gonna be after dinner today"
"seriously? you're telling me now that we're going on a date but you won't tell me where or what? that's torture Draco"
"I know but you'll get over it"
"Can you please tell me?"
"Nope you gotta wait"
I laugh at him and we lay down on the grass for a few more minutes. But then we go back inside where I tell Harry to go to his friends so that I can prepare everything for our date. Harry goes to his friends and I go to Hogsmeade. I went to a restaurant there to check if the reservation and everything worked. But it's not a normal restaurant like where you eat inside and watch out the window, No. You're basically outside but with a spell it's warm and cozy where you sit. The sight is so beautiful. I hope Harry will like it. I bought him some flowers. His favourite ones. Gosh I'm so nervous.
It is almost 6pm which means that I'll have like 20 minutes to get dressed and pick up Harry.
I'm all dressed up now. I mean I'm still like casual dressed but more like fancy. I wear my black jeans and a white shirt with a black blazer over it. I told Harry to dress fancy too.
I'm on my way to him now. As I walk to the Gryffindor tower, I get more and more nervous.
I have the flowers with me and wait in front of the entry to the tower for Harry.
Harry comes outside with a dark blue jeans a white shirt with a dark blue blazer over it.
Gosh he looks amazing. I look at him up and down when I finally realise what I'm here for.
"Hey Harry umm wow you look amazing"
"hi- *he looks at me* did you get me flowers?"
"well i-yeah."
Harry tears up. Why is he crying now? What?
"you-you're crying? *Harry nods* Don't boyfriends get flowers for each other? I can take them back. Do you not like them? Fuck, I should've asked you. I wanted to surprise you because I know I'm not the best-"
Harry touches my cheek: "I love them... you're so sweet"
"umm ok good"
I give him the flowers.
"Let's go that is not the only thing I did"
Harry nods with a smile and I take his hand. We walk to Hogsmeade where Harry asks:
"what are we doing here?"
"just wait ok?"
Harry nods and I go with him towards the restaurant but as we're about to get there, I stay and Harry looks at me confused, saying:
"why are we staying?"
"just close your eyes please"
"umm ok"
Harry closes his eyes and I lead him to the table. I tell him to open his eyes and he looks around. He looks at me and asks:
"how is that possible? we're outside but also inside"
"it's just a spell"
"that is amazing. The sight. The night sky. It's perfect"
"umm thanks"
"you're amazing Draco"
"Thanks I know"
Harry gives me an angry annoyed look but smiles. We sit down to eat.
A few minutes later we're done with eating and Harry says:
"that was amazing Draco. Everything. And just look at you, you look fantastic"
"Harry please stop with the compliments"
"nah they make you blush. And it's cute"
"hey I'm not cute"
"you are"
I roll my eyes at him and we go back into the castle, holding hands.
Wow that went well, we talked a lot. He enjoyed it. He liked the flowers. I did everything right.

We enter the castle and go to the astronomy tower. I don't know why but that's just our spot now. As we get up there, we sit down on the floor, leaning against a wall. Harry says:
"do you remember the first time we were up here together?"
"yeah, you almost killed yourself"
"yeah well that's not what I wanted to say umm I remember that day as the day I first realised my love for you. When you hugged me, I didn't feel the need to push you away. I liked it, I felt save"
"that's cute and you're right, I mean I could've just walked away and leave you alone but I didn't and then with the hug I realised that the bond between us all these years wasn't just hate. I love you, I don't know how long but I knew back after that day for sure."
"yeah, I love you too"
We sit in silence, Harry leaning against my shoulder. Soon after, I hear Harry snoring. He's asleep on my shoulder. My first impulse is to wake him up but I don't I just let him sleep and watch him. A few minutes later I fall asleep too...

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