Chapter 6: first time with Draco ✨

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Harry POV:

I wake up the next morning, still in the hospital wing with Draco who is still sleeping, because I hear Madame Pomfrey say something. I don't quite catch it so I ask:
"you're awake good. I asked if you've got trouble sleeping last night?"
"uhmm no I slept pretty good actually"
"that's good, come on we're gonna try something out"
I look confused but Madame Pomfrey just says that I have to stand to see if the potion worked. I does as she says and can stand, so the potion worked. After I sit back down Draco wakes up and looks at me, saying:
"What was that about?"
"good morning to you too, she checked if the potion worked for my legs. you know if I can stand"
"and did it?"
"yeah which is good cause now I can leave"
"good then let's get your stuff and I'll bring you to your room"
Draco and I pack my stuff and we go back to my room. On the way there we pass Hermione and Ron who both just smile and keep walking which is kinda confusing since I'm with Draco alone but I like it with him, He's nice and not that bad at taking care of me.
We go into my room which is quite a mess and I sit down on my bed. Draco looks at me like he's about to say something cheesy but he doesn't he just says:
"I thought you could walk again"
"I can walk but I just simply choose not to"
"you know you're kinda weird but I like it"
Wait what he likes it, he likes me? he likes how I behave?
I probably look so confused right now and I kinda feel like I'm blushing. And considering Draco's reaction it's true:
"Don't look at me like that and slide over."
I think he wants to sit down too, I don't mind really. Actually I'd like it so I just simply do as he says and he sits down next to me. We sit in silence for a bit, talk. I mean I don't really listen to what he says cause he's just too good looking to focus on his words.
But then it hits me, I feel very hungry all of a sudden. Draco looks at me and asks like he knows that I don't listen to him:
"Do you even know what I just asked?"
"uhmm what?"
I obviously had no clue and he knew it.
"I asked if we wanted to go to breakfast since you didn't eat anything yesterday at all"
"I didn't?": I ask confused
"No you didn't cause you were hungover but I'm guessing you want to eat now?!": he says while standing up.
"yes I'm starving": I say while standing up too.
We walk to breakfast which is almost over but before we go inside the great hall, Draco asks:
"Do you want me to stay with you? Or should I go to my table?"
"uhmm I don't know, it's your choice"
"ok I'll come with you cause well you seem like you need me"
I nod and we go inside. Draco and I catch a lot of attention since we're late and walk together but I just ignore it and we walk to the Gryffindor table.
As we sit down the mumbling of the people around us starts cause well we sit together but I don't care. We're not enemies anymore and he can sit with me. Hermione looks at us like she knows something that we don't and Ron is just confused. We don't talk much and just eat.
After breakfast I go back to my room without Draco cause he said that he has to talk to Blaise about something. As I go inside I see Ron already waiting for me, he looks at me with a -do-you-have-something-to-tell-me-smile, so I ask:
"nothing it's just that you came with Malfoy and ate with Malfoy breakfast and that he slept here in our room after we played Truth or Dare"
"and what does that mean now? does he have feelings for you too? After you fucking sang to him"
"I don't know Ron but I'm gonna go over to him later so yeah"
Ron simply nods and we sit in silence on our separate beds. I'm reading a book Hermione recommended and Ron is just Ron.

Draco POV:

Harry and I just ate breakfast and I'm on my way to Blaise now. I enter our room and Blaise is already sitting on his bed waiting for me. As I sit down too he asks:
"soooo what's going on now?"
"I don't know I want him so bad but I can't pressure him into being with me. I mean I know that he likes me too but what if he's not ready yet?"
"Ok, but what exactly do you even like about him?"
"He's smart, and fun, and-"
"pretty?": Blaise interrupts me
"Beautiful! He's got these eyes that just- and this hair- and his smile?!..."
I probably look so stupid right now thinking about Harry, talking about him like that. Blaise looks at me and says:
"you're so in love with him, it's kinda embarrassing, Dray"
"shut up, Blaise"
I throw a pillow at him cause he's being annoying as always. I mean I don't know what to do now, Harry likes me, I like him but nobody does anything to..Blaise interrupts my thoughts by saying:
"uhm Draco someone is here for you", while pointing at the door where Harry stands.
He says cute and innocent as he comes inside:
"hi, Draco can we talk?"
Blaise stands up and leaves without saying a word, when I answer Harry:
"sure come here", while patting on the other side of my bed. Harry closes the door and sits down next to me.
"So what do you want to talk about?"
Now he says not that innocent anymore while looking at me:
and next thing I know is Harry kissing me. It takes me by surprise but honestly I don't mind, I've waited for this so long and now it happens. We kiss a little longer until both of us have to breathe. I take that pause to ask:
"was that all or do you-"

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