Chapter 15: The End

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the next day (one day after the break up)

Harry POV:
The next morning I wake up, looking for Draco. But then I remember what happened and that immediately hurts me. I feel and probably look like shit.
I slowly sit up and Ron comes to my bed saying:
"gosh Harry you look like shit. How much did you sleep?"
"what umm 2 hours I think"
"well you look like it. Come on we go to breakfast"

At breakfast I don't eat anything. I can't eat. Instead I look over to the Slytherin table and notice that Draco isn't here. Why is he not her- oh wait there he comes. He walks in, also looking like shit and sits down at the Slytherin table next to Blaise. As he walks past me, I notice worry in his eyes. He looks worried like I don't know, it was probably just an illusion..
"Harry!": Hermione says, snapping in front of me.
"stop staring at your ex"
"I'm no- fine"
I look down at my food and excuse myself to go get some fresh air.
I go outside, leaning against a tree where Draco and I used to spend time together.

Draco POV:

Harry looks like shit. I do too. And I feel like shit. I just sat down when I saw him looking at me. But then Hermione got his attention and now he left the great hall. I looked after him as he walked out of it. I wonder where he's going or why he did not eat anything at all. I don't eat either. I just look around and hope for the best.
Maybe I should follow him...No No I can't...
I don't follow him I just sit there in the great hall not listening to anyone..
Fuck it I'm gonna follow him or at least go get some fresh air.
That's what I do, I excuse myself to go get some fresh air.
I go outside of the castle and just walk instinctively to the place where Harry and I used to sit together. Before I get to the tree I see Harry leaning against it, looking up in the sky. I should not do this now, I can't go to him.
I wanna go talk to him but I don't, I just walk back to the castle. I can feel Harry looking after me. He noticed me.

I'm in my room, reading the book I read when I teased Harry. Gosh everything reminds me of him. I can't think about him I gotta get my head clear.
I put the book aside and Blaise comes in, saying:
"Hey Draco, where were you going during breakfast?"
"Draco why?"
"I don't know I just walked to the same spot we used to go. And there he was watching the sky, Blaise he looked so perfect but hurt. I hurt him.."
"Draco it's ok. You're gonna get over him eventually"
"I don't think so, everything reminds me of him"
Blaise just nods in acceptance and sits down on his bed. I lay down looking at the ceiling,trying not to think about Harry. Spoiler alert I'm thinking about him.
A few minutes later Blaise says:
"Draco come on we have our last potion class"
"what that is today?"
"no you genius I'm joking. Of course it's today come on we're gonna be late"
"I'm coming"
We go to the potion lab. The same one Harry and I almost got caught fucking around. Ughh I gotta stop thinking about him.
As we walk in, Slughorn says:
"Since it is you very last potion class here in Hogwarts I decided that you're gonna work in groups of two. The names of your partners are: Hermione Granger with Pansy Parkinson, Ronald Weasley with Blaise Zabini, Luna Lovegood with Cho Chang, [...] and lastly Draco Malfoy with Harry Potter. Please sit down with your partner now."
Of course he made me and Harry Partners. Well let's get this over with.
Harry and I sit down not even looking at each other but I notice a pitying look from both Blaise (to me) and Ron (to Harry). They are probably gonna talk about our break up. And we're- we're not gonna talk at all.
Slughorn explains the potion and I start to read the recipe when Harry starts to speak:
"just do it alone Malfoy. I don't care if I fail"
"Harry you-"
He cuts me off: "it's Potter"
"fine... Potter you should at least try to do it"
"nah i'm good"
I roll my eyes at him and he lays his head down on the table. I glance a few more times at home while doing the potion when I feel his hand touching my thigh. I wanna say something but then he quickly removes it saying: "sorry"
Slughorn comes over to our table and says:
"Mister Potter why are you not doing anything"
"umm sorry sir I just thought it would be better for me to watch Malfoy do it, before I blow this up again"
"ok if you think so but pay attention to the details"
Harry nods and looks over to me. Now I can really see how bad he looks. He has dark eye bags, looks like he cried a lot, probably hasn't eaten anything since the break up and  over all he just looks like shit. God what have I done.
I notice him analysing my appearance too. I looked at myself in the mirror this morning and I look bad I know but not as bad as he does. He turns away saying:
"Malfoy you look like shit"
"I know Ha-Potter but you do too"
"it's your fault": he says so quietly I almost didn't catch it.
"sorry": I say as quietly as he did.
Harry and I didn't talk with each other or look at each other for the rest of the lesson and then it stopped.
Harry left with his friends first and I'm waiting for mine to finally get ready. They are coming. Blaise says:
"So Draco how was working with your ex-boyfriend?"
"better than I expected, I mean he didn't even look at me except the one time he said I look like shit and he practically forbid me to say Harry to him. So now I'm stuck with saying Potter and him being mean to me. He hates me"
"mhm understandable I mean you broke him"
"I know"
"come on let's get a late lunch"
I nod and we walk to the Great hall.

Sitting here at the Slytherin table looking around fir Harry is torture. I know I should not do this but I do it anyway and now he's not even here. He's not eating again. I don't eat either. I can't eat right now. Instead I look around hoping to find any sign of I don't even know what.
Blaise cuts of my thoughts by saying: "Draco you should eat something"
"nah I'm good, I'm just gonna go get some air"
Blaise nods concerned and I leave.

I walk to the place where everything started and ended: the astronomy tower. Nobody is ever up here except from me and Harry. I sit down on the floor, leaning against a wall.
What have I done? I broke up with the love of my life just for him and now he's mad at me and looks and probably feels horrible. I feel horrible but sooner or later he'll see that it is best for us to live separat lives. I'm sorry Harry...
I say that last part out loud which makes me flinch because I hear a familiar voice saying: "I know.."
But the. the voice is gone and I hear him leaving, walking down the stairs. Harry was here.
I don't walk after him, I just stay here until it's too cold.
I go to my room, laying down on my empty bed, thinking about Harry again.

one week after their break up (one day before their last exam)

Tomorrow we're gonna write the most important exam of our lives and I spent the last week not with studying. I mean I'm good and all which is the reason I'm just reading my papers and then I'm gonna hope for the best tomorrow.
Harry is probably stressing out right now and I can't help him. I'm horrible. And I feel better now but I still haven't eaten properly or slept the whole night. I just can't. Based on Harry's appearance (dark eye bags, skinny body and face, messy hair) I know that he feels worse than I do. Gosh I hope this exam will be good tomorrow for him.

I'm on my way to the library now to study with Blaise and Pansy. I get inside and see Harry sitting with his friends jen the to our table. I sit down and I can feel Harry looking at me. I ist try to study but then I see the exchanging looks from mine and Harry's friends. I don't know what they're planning but they definitely plan something.
We study a bit more and then Harry and his friends leave. Me and mine leave soon after them and I'm on my way to my room when Pansy says:
"Draco come on we're gonna go to the room of requirements"
That is random and the next thing I know is staying in front of the door of the room of requirements with Harry's friends standing next to mine. I ask confused:
"what is going on?"
"you'll see": Hermione says before Blaise gives me a shot of Veritaserum without asking me. He poured it into my mouth and Ron opens the door while Blaise pushes me inside.
What the hell, why did they do that?
Hermione says from behind the door: "Talk"
And then I hear a sound of lock clicking while the door seems to lock. Great now I'm stuck here. I turn around in frustration and see Harry standing there, he says:
"uh uh you don't even have to try and talk to me. I'm not gonna"
I roll my eyes at him and turn back to the closed door. I knock on the door saying:
"TALK WITH HIM DRACO": Blaise screams from the other side.
"YOU TOO HARRY": Hermione screams.
I turn back to Harry walking towards him. He says: "Fine"
Harry starts talking:
"Draco why did you break up with me? What did I do?"
"No Harry you didn't do anything. I just couldn't bear the feeling of holding you back just because we were together"
"Wait what Draco you didn't hold me back"
"No but I would've after school. I a death eater would've hold you the hero back"
"that's why you broke up with me?! Because you thought you would hold me back"
"oh Draco..."
He walks towards me. I say:
"Harry I'm so sorry I did this. Can you please forgive me?"
"yes Draco I will forgive you. I still love you. I never stopped loving you even after we broke up"
"Neither did I. I love you Harry Potter"
"I love you too Draco Malfoy"
We hug and I kiss Harry in the head and then on the lips. I touch his side and I can feel his rips. He lost so much weight just because of me.
He looks at me with his wonderful emerald green eyes.
"I'm sorry for hurting you that way"
"it's ok I handled it"
"but you didn't. Can you show me your arm?"
"just show it please"
With hesitation he shows me his arm. And thank goos he did not start cutting again.
I hug him without saying anything and he says confused:
"what was that about?"
"no hung just checking in you"
He just shrugs and we walk to the door hand in hand. I say:
"Can you open the door now?"
"just come out it was always open"
I open the door and it is actually open.
"I hate you guys": Harry says with a smile on his face"
"why it worked didn't it!?"
Harry looks at me with a bride smile and says:
"it did"

Now Draco and Harry live happily ever after.
They passed their last exam.
Harry got a job as and auror and Draco is now a potions teacher at Hogwarts.

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