18. Moonlight

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Harry and I spent the rest of Monday working on my designs. I showed him the ideas I had come up with regarding my men's line and he gave me honest feedback, well after some goading. A few ideas were scrapped and some changes were made, but all in all he liked where I was going. He didn't even seem to mind that he was clearly the inspiration for most of my designs.

The question was, would it translate from simple colors drawn on paper into a wearable garment? I didn't have a male dress form, so Harry volunteered to stand very still and take the place of a form.

"If you move you'll get poked," I warned for the third time. I never realized how fidgety Harry was or how much he leaned to the side. "My pants are going to come out with lopsided legs because you're leaning so much."

"I can't help it. It's just what my body does," Harry said as he tried to make himself stand more upright.

As I wrapped the muslin fabric around his black skinny jeans I was careful to place the pins only on the fabric, not into Harry's skin. My carefulness, however, didn't work as Harry shifted on his feet yet again and I poked the inside of his thigh.

"Ow!," he yelped pouting out his lip.

"Sorry, but you moved."

"Liv, do you understand how hard it is to stand still when you're on your knees in front of me with your hand all over my crotch? I've had to think about my Nan like 3 times to keep from popping a pin!"

I chuckled and rose to my feet. I planted a kiss on his cheek before moving to work on pinning the backside of the fabric. The rest of the draping went well with no more blood drawn and I made my necessary marks on the fabric. Once I was pleased with what I had created, I removed my fabric pattern from Harry, and all the pins that had him on edge for the past 20 minutes.

"Can I go pee now?," Harry asked shuffling his feet.

"Yes, you're all done. Thank you."

I quickly drafted a second leg for the pants and had already begun sewing my mock up when Harry returned.

"Feel better?," I asked, not looking up from my sewing machine.

"Much. Thank you. Did you know we use the same moisturizer?," he asked.

"I did. Were you snooping through my things?," realizing as I said it I had given myself up with my answer to his question.

"Were you snooping through mine?," he fired back playfully. I blushed before responding.

"Well you literally carried me out of a bar while I was in a compromised mental state. I was just ensuring my safety," I teased. "And maybe I was just trying to learn more about you, you know, that isn't on Wikipedia." Although I was joking, there was some truth to what I said. Despite our lack of separation over the weekend and how quickly we had hit it off, I didn't know a lot about Harry.

"What do you want to know?," he asked with a genuine smile.

"Just anything and everything. Whatever you're willing to share," I paused realizing, yet again, I was letting my thoughts flow freely to Harry. "Sorry. That's sort of weird."

"Not weird at all. Well honestly, this whole thing is weird if you think about it. But the weirdest thing is it doesn't feel weird." Harry's face contorted contemplating what he had just said and if it made any sense.

"I think I get what you're saying," I laughed and returned to my sewing, finishing the final seam and getting back into my zone. Pulling the completed pants from my machine, I stood up from my chair.

"Pants off please," I instructed while motioning to Harry.

His eyes widened and his mouth pinched in shock at my request. He kicked off his boots and slid his jeans down his legs. He pulled his left leg free first and had to step on his pants to remove the right from his skinny jeans. It was far from a graceful display, but it was entertaining.

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