62. White Denim God

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I was fidgeting on Harry's couch unable to get comfortable. I must've checked the time on my phone every few seconds willing it to go faster. I had gone this long without seeing him, you'd think another forty minutes would be easy. My phone lit up with a text before I clicked it again.

Just got in the car. Are you at mine?

Of course baby. See you soon.

I audibly squealed into the empty living room. Once again Harry had brought on a girl moment. I couldn't contain my excitement. I frantically surveyed the entire house, making sure things were tidy and as he left them. I could imagine after being away for so long, he wanted to come back to his home just as he liked it. I went in to straighten rooms I hadn't even been in to disrupt their contents. I wasn't thinking clearly, I was just busying myself to make the time pass. I fluffed the pillows on the bed for a third time, finally stopping when I heard Harry's voice ring out downstairs.

"Liv?," he yelled out, "I'm home."

"I'm up here," I called, "in the bedroom." I started to make my way towards the hall to meet him when I heard his boots tapping up the wooden stairs.

"I'll be right there babe," Harry's voice answered as it grew closer.

I saw his long shadow stretch into the room before he did. I lost my breath completely at the sight of him. He was dressed in a brightly printed short-sleeve button up. The images on the fabric were reminiscent of a painting from the romanticism era but in a vibrant hue. It was loud, but as usual Harry pulled it off strikingly well. The yellow background of his shirt stood out against the blinding white of his skin-tight pants. I could hardly remember a time where he had worn anything other than his black skinny jeans, but honestly I couldn't even formulate a coherent though at the moment. He was like a fucking god in white denim.

"Jesus Harry," was all I managed to get out once I remembered to breath again. He smiled with a knowing smirk. He knew he looked perfect.

"What? I couldn't show up looking like a slob for you babe," he said as he came to stand in front of me.

Harry widened his stance so his boots were positioned outside of my bare feet. His arms wrapped around my body, pinning my arms at my sides. I felt him breath in the scent of me as he rested his chin on my head, swayed me from left to right in his arms, and let out a hum.

I had never been one for hugs, they made me cringe and feel uncomfortable, but Harry was the exception to my personal space rule. His hugs were warm and strong, but not crushing. He would pull me close enough that I could feel his heart beating. Harry always acted like he still couldn't get enough me, even when I was in his arms. He'd pair his hugs with another loving gesture like rubbing my back, rocking our bodies, kissing the top of my head, or however he felt possessed to shower me with affection in the moment. He rarely pulled away from the hug and I would find myself closing my eyes and burying my face into his chest each time. I had never felt more loved and comforted than when I was in his embrace.

"I missed you so much," I spoke into his shoulder.

"I know, I missed you too Liv." Harry brushed his fingertips through my hair. "It's so good coming home to you though." He squeezed me tightly before sliding his hands from my back and onto my arms. He rubbed his palms against my skin as if warming me up from the cold. He blinked long and slow with a look of content on his face. When his eyes opened and he looked down at me his expression turned into a full smile. "Can we lie down, I'm sort of beat from the trip," he asked and I saw in his eyes he was tired.

I nodded and he turned me around to face the bed and held onto my hips, our bodies never separated as we walked in-step with one another to the bed. I climbed onto my side of the bed and Harry took his place beside me. We rolled are bodies to the center to face each other in mimicked positions, our heads resting on our propped up palms. He leaned forward and pressed his lips to mine with a gentle kiss that conveyed how much he missed me, but didn't get too greedy.

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