55. Blonde Ambition

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I woke up groggy and confused, not sure what time it was or how long I had been asleep. My music was still playing and I checked the time as I turned it off. It was only 5 PM, so I must've slept for about two hours. I wiped the sleep from my eyes and turned my phone off airplane mode. Instantly it began pinging with alerts of texts and voicemails, nearly all from Harry.

Hey babe, did you see how wrong the tabloids got it today? Little do they know what I was actually up to in hotel rooms last night and this morning. ;)

Sorry. I usually don't even look at that stuff but I got some texts about it and saw it on Twitter.

You're not mad about the article are you babe?

Liv? Are you ignoring me babe?

You know it's not true at all, right?

Babe, answer me please. I'm starting to worry now.

The same general sentiments were on his voicemail message for me too. The poor guy thought I was ignoring him and mad. I also had voicemails from Claire and Louis, to my surprise. Claire wanted to know if the rumor was true and Louis was telling me he knew there was no chance it was true because, as he put it, "Harry isn't a liar, cheat, or an idiot who would let me go."

After I was all caught up on what had been happening during my nap, I hurried to call Harry before he got anymore worked up. The phone barely finished a ring before he answered.

"Babe! Is everything okay? Are you mad? I swear I had nothing to do with the tabloids," Harry was rambling as fast as his words could come out.

"Harry, it's okay. I was just taking a nap. Of course I know it's not true. Why would I be mad at you for that?," I tried to put him at ease since he had no doubt been panicked.

"I don't know babe, but you weren't answering and I started to think you were mad. I'm sorry," he said sweetly.

"Don't be sorry. You literally did nothing wrong baby. So you got texts and calls about it too?," I chuckled. "From who?" The line went silent for longer than it should and I wondered if I had lost the connection. "Harry? Are you still there?"

"Yeah. Um, I got a text from my ex, Nadine." There was that twist in my stomach again. I really wasn't the jealous type, but the fact that his ex had texted him made me feel nauseous.

"What did she say? Sara said she was mad." Now that we were on the topic, I wasn't going to ignore it. I'd rather hear everything from Harry than let my thoughts get the better of me.

"You talked to Sara about Nadine?," Harry's voice nearly cracked with his question.

"Yeah, Sara called me to make sure I knew the article was shit. She mentioned Nadine then," I purposefully didn't give him anymore details, wanting to see what he would offer up.

"Oh," Harry paused. "She seemed a bit mad, considering she and Sara are friends, is all."

"Is that all?," I hated myself the second I said it. I sounded like a jealous girlfriend and that was the last thing I wanted to be. I didn't want to start a fight when he was about to fly across the country and tour for the better part of a month.

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