76. Back to Black

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"She's just a little carsick is all," said Harry from behind me to save the day.

I turned and he gave me a soft smile to let me know it would be alright. It never ceased to amaze me how comforting his presence was.

"Oh, well come in and sit down. I'll get you some tea," Gemma said smiling as she walked inside and we followed. Harry dropped our bags by the door and I saw him hurry into the kitchen ahead of Gemma as she kept talking. "Mum and Robin will be home any minute. They ran to pick up some wine and dessert for after dinner. We didn't expect you for another hour or so."

"Yeah, we made it quicker than we thought," I said doing a poor job of hiding my grin at the memory of riding Harry on our limo ride. I took a seat at one of the barstools and watched Harry scurry around the kitchen.

"I said I'd make the tea you twit," Gemma said pinching Harry's side. "But if you've already started I'll just take a seat next to Liv and catch up while you do all the work," Gemma shrugged and took the stool to my right.

"We all know I make tea almost as good as mum. I didn't want you making a mess of it," Harry sassed back to Gemma and stuck out his tongue like a child. An adorable oversized tattooed child. I chuckled at a random thought of giving birth to a newborn with a blend of Harry and my tattoos.

Watching their sibling banter made me smile more. As an only child I didn't get that growing up. I always found it interesting I was an only child considering both my parents were from large families. It's simply what people did in the below freezing Midwest winters, made babies. However, I was never spoiled. My parents didn't know what spoiling a child looked like, having never seen it in their own crowded homes. I asked why they never had more children once and I got an honest answer.  They enjoyed only one voice in the house, that and I was a stubborn and challenging child, which I'm sure was true. I was stubborn even now.

"Anyways," Gemma stretched the word and turned to face me again, "what's new with you?" She twirled the end of her hair between her fingers.

Her words pulled me from my thoughts and reminded me instantly where I was at the moment and why we were here. Normally I had no trouble talking to Gemma. We texted and spoke on the phone occasionally, but right now my mind was back to only thinking of two things. I was pregnant. We were telling his family tonight.

"Uh, not too much," except that I'm pregnant with your brother's baby. "I'm just working on stuff for fashion week," and carrying a child. "It's coming along great, we're working on the runway show, it's shaping up to be big," and so is my belly.

"Harry said it'll be a rock 'n roll sort of deal, yeah?," Gemma asked and I wondered how I could steer the conversation to her so I could stop worrying about coming up with things to say.

"Yeah, very rock 'n roll. Think Stones concert with models," I explained.

"That reminds me, Mick said he's coming for sure," Harry broke into the conversation as he carried over our tea. He impressively had two cups hooked on the fingers of his left hand and one in his right, which he set in front of me. I watched his large hands and curled fingers release the cups from their hold. Harry leaned down and kissed my cheek before saying something in a quiet whisper into my ear. "Decaf." He stood up again and winked at me. Clearly that's why he had wanted to make the tea.

Harry had spent a good portion of the flight reading up on pregnancy, and that included things to avoid, like caffeine, swordfish, and a really long list of other foods. I assured him I had never had swordfish, and I wasn't about to start now. He was already so protective of the baby, wanting to make sure we did everything right. I knew one glass of tea wouldn't hurt since I rarely drank caffeine, but the fact that Harry took extra care to get me decaf was sweet. His gesture, and those fucking hands, completely distracted me from my panic about telling Harry's family and now about Mick Jagger attending my fashion show.

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