36. Silver

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I woke up to the feeling of someone tapping on my shoulder. It was slow and gentle, so it didn't startle me. I simply opened my eyes as the taps continued and realized I wasn't dreaming of the first time I woke up on Harry's chest. I was met with familiar features but on a different form- Gemma.

"Liv. It's time to get up," she whispered quietly. I nodded and she waited until she was convinced I wasn't going to fall back asleep.

"Thank you," I mouthed as she made her way through the shared bath and back to her room. I assume she was going back to sleep, considering it was 6:30 AM.

I had thankfully asked her at lunch yesterday to wake me up. I knew if I set my alarm that it would wake Harry too. I quietly pulled my clothes from my suitcase and brought them into the bathroom. I draped them over the towel rack and closed the door behind me, being sure to lock it.

I turned on the shower and waited until steam started to fill the room before getting in. I always preferred my showers hot. I also preferred them long, but today I wasn't giving myself that luxury. As soon as my hair was wet through I shampooed and rinsed quickly. I let the conditioner sit while I lathered and cleaned my body. I watched as the water rinsed the soap from my thighs and cascaded over the spot there that Harry was so fond. I was growing fond of his spot too. I made sure to touch up shaving the important areas, knowing I wouldn't be putting off Harry's advances tonight. Once I was thoroughly rinsed and clean I turned off the water and stepped out to towel dry.

I listened for any stirring on the other side of the door, but heard nothing other than heavy breathing. Harry was still sound asleep. I hurried into my dress, a navy and white gingham shirt dress which I belted at my waist. It fell just above my knees, but came up at the hem on the hips, just as if it were an oversized dress shirt. The sleeves were long, but I rolled them up to the middle of my forearms. I took the time to do my make up and hair, since Harry was still sound asleep. Once I was satisfied with my appearance I made my way downstairs, tiptoeing through the bedroom along the way.

It was 7:15 on the kitchen clock, earlier than I'd prefer to be awake, but being up before everyone else was kind of the point. I oriented myself with the cabinets and drawers while I pulled out all the items I needed. I set up my usual assembly line, hit shuffle on my iTunes, and got to cooking my breakfast specialty, pancakes.

I lined up a series of bowls along the breakfast bar to hold the different topping choices. I had chosen blueberries, bananas, of course, and raspberries as the fruit options. I also had chocolate chips, toasted walnuts, and coconut that I found in the pantry. I was making silver dollar pancakes so everyone could try all sorts of combinations.

Finally I slid a pair of foil lined cookie sheets into the warmed oven. I saved this step for last, knowing the smell would fill the house quickly. I was making brown sugar bacon to go along with my array of pancakes. Knowing the smell would stir Harry awake soon, I sent him a text.

See you downstairs. I'm making pancakes.

It was words I had uttered to him before, and I was hoping he'd remember that. I continued flipping another batch of pancakes on Anne's built-in griddle and moving to the music playing along.

As I scooped up the last tiny pancake from the stove, I swayed my hips and sang along with the sounds of Johnny Cash.

As sure as night is dark and day is light
I keep you on my mind both day and night
And happiness I've known proves that it's right

"Because you're mine, I walk the line," his morning rumble sang into my ear as he wrapped his arms around me from behind. My body warmed from his touch and the heat rose up, along with the corners of my mouth. "When I saw your text I was half expecting you to be in a towel like last time," Harry chuckled. "A little disappointed if I'm honest."

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