31. Transparent

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I don't think I had ever had a more awkward experience brushing my teeth than I did the next morning. Harry and I stood in the bathroom, still in our pjs, well Harry was in his underwear. He was behind me, looking at himself in the mirror, tall enough to see over my reflection. We were both brushing our teeth and trying to coordinate our spitting so neither of us spit on the other. Harry took full advantage of when I leaned forward to take my turn with the sink. He squared his hips with my behind and gripped my sides. Leaving the toothbrush hanging from his mouth, he thrust against me playfully. Just as he did, Gemma opened the door.

"Well I'm glad to see you found someone as enthusiastic about dental hygiene as you H," Gemma said in her dry tone. Harry dropped his hands from my hips as I jolted upright in a state of panic and humiliation. She picked up her own toothbrush and squeezed a bead of toothpaste along the bristles.

"Oh god! It's not what it looks like!," I mumbled over the toothbrush in my mouth. I gave Harry a scowl in the mirror. Gemma simply shrugged as she brushed her teeth.

"I'm sending you a bill for my therapy." Gemma looked at Harry in the mirror. "And maybe for some soundproofing."

"Sounds fair," Harry said as he chuckled. Thank God Gemma was handling this with a sense of humor.

"Mum's making a full breakfast, so you two better get downstairs soon if you want any sausages," Gemma said. I saw a kink in Harry's smile but he be refrained from adding any sexual innuendos to the already awkward situation.

We hurried to get dressed and made our way downstairs. The kitchen was full with a swirling of scents and even more food. I wasn't too familiar with British food, but I had heard of a full English breakfast. Though, all I knew was it was a lot of food. Anne was dishing up everyone's plates with helpings of baked beans, sausage, fried eggs, bacon, and more. I honestly didn't even know what it all was, but I was hungry and ready to find out.

"Good morning. I hope you're hungry." Anne gestured for us to take a seat at the table as she carried the last of the filled plates to their settings.

"Very hungry. Breakfast is my favorite meal," I answered.

"It looks great Mum." Harry kissed his mother on the cheek as he passed her by.

Harry and I took a seat next to each other at the table. Gemma sat across from me, Anne across from Harry, and Robin was at the far end. I laughed as Gemma took a picture of her plate before eating. She might actually be more addicted to her phone than I was.

"What? It would be a shame not to share this with the world," Gemma said taking note of my laughter.

"No judgement, I just see you really are a phone-a-holic," I chuckled again before continuing. "To be fair, I'd probably Instagram my food too if my followers cared about what I ate."

"I don't think anyone's followers care what people ate, but I do it anyway, because- addicted. But I suppose people wouldn't want to see some model vogueing next to a picture of your Chinese takeaway. Makes sense. Are you one of those Instagram purists who only posts color coordinated themed photos?"

"Not at all, but I try to keep it somehow related to design or my work, since it's technically my brand page. It's not like I only use the same black and white filter in every vague picture I post." I elbowed Harry as I teased him.

"Bwahaha!" Gemma nearly choked on her fried bread laughing. She reached out and high-fived me across the breakfast table.

Harry's Instagram was the most confusing collection of pictures with odd captions and the same monotone filter. I only realized this because he had me post a picture of a Rolling Stones billboard we saw on the way to the concert last week. He almost had a heart attack it was color. Fans even commented on his picture being in color as if the world has just changed forever.

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