29. Off Color

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"Shut the fuck up! Are you serious?" I didn't really know what to expect when I told the girls over brunch that I was dating Harry Styles. I did, however expect Becca to swear.

"She's totally serious. They're pretty much inseparable. It's gross," Jessie said, vouching for me in her own way.

"I mean I knew you were working on a clothing line together and had seen all the photos of you two, but I didn't know you were dating." Claire seemed genuinely shocked.

"Wait, who is he again? Is he the one who left One Direction?" And aren't they teenagers?" Rhiannon was trying to contemplate the situation.

"He's not a teenager! He's in his twenties," I began to correct her before Claire cut me off.

"Zayn is the one who left. Harry is the youngest at 21, then Niall and Liam, who are both 21 too. Zayn is 22 and Louis is the oldest. He's 23." She spoke as if this were common knowledge to the world.

"What the fuck just happened?," Becca asked looking around table. "Are you the One Direction Wikipedia page or some shit Claire?" Becca chimed in with more of her off color word choices.

"No," Claire said unconvincingly.

"Still, 21 Liv? Robbing the cradle are ya?" Rhiannon seemed to only be joking, but I wasn't quite sure.

"I think Claire might be a fan," Jessie said laughing as the rest of us joined in.

"I just like their music. It's really good," Claire was making her case.

"I haven't heard much, but the new album sounds amazing. It's really coming together." Claire's eyes widened when she heard me mention the new album.

"You've heard the fifth album?" She leaned forward over the table towards me.

"Just a few times in the studio, yeah."

"Does Niall have a lot of solos?" Claire's words flew out of her mouth so quickly that her cover was now completely blown.

"HA! So you're a Niall girl?" I laughed playfully and Claire pulled her lips into a tight line to keep from blurting anything else out. I looked around the table at my friends, trying to read their faces after my confession. Most were a little shocked, but it seemed as if they weren't freaking out. "

But seriously guys, you're the only people I've told. Please don't tell anyone. We don't want a media frenzy."

"Liv, we're not going to sell you out. Don't worry," Becca assured me. Yes, she was a little rough around the edges, but she was a loyal friend.

"Not trying to be rude, but don't you think this is probably just a fling?," Rhiannon asked. "He's kind of a ladies' man." Despite her preemptive warning, her comment was rude. I bit the inside of my cheek and took in a deep breath through my nose to prevent myself from jumping down her throat.

"Harry's not like that at all! It's just how the media portrays him to sell magazines." Claire beat me to the punch defending Harry.

"I appreciate the concern Rhi, but this certainly isn't a fling. Yes, we only met a few weeks ago, but it's gotten serious. I fly out to meet his family late this afternoon."

"You're meeting Anne and Gemma!" Claire's level of excitement was obvious and I wondered if she would actually be able to give me some advice.

"I am, and his dad too. I'm trying not to freak out. Got any tips?"

"Well from what I've seen online, Anne will love you as long as you're treating Harry right. Honestly, if Harry's introducing you to his family, he knows they'll like you. He's a Mama's boy. Don't worry." The oddity of asking someone who had never even met Harry or his family for advice on this subject was not lost on me, but I was now well aware of the One Direction fan base. They were seekers of information, and prided themselves on knowing all there was to know, or so they thought.

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