1: Jason Learns How to Operate a Telephone

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The only one who ever called was Jason.

But really, who else was left?

Leo was gone...he couldn't bring himself to say the word dead. But there it was, constantly shimmering and screaming at him from the back of his mind. 

Nico had avoided him like the plague before...after he might as well have been dirt. 

A scandal had come to light regarding Tristan McLean; Piper ground away day and night attempting to keep him on his feet. According to Jason the man was suicidal. Allegedly the scandalous behavior being aired wasn't true, but the man had started having 'dreams'. Only, they weren't dreams, and Piper knew it; she had been there. Jason was too. Leo had been there, but he didn't live to tell the tale.

Hazel had cried until she couldn't breathe, but she hadn't met his eyes. 

Frank had. The shattered look in the Canadian's eyes had crushed his soul all over again. 

Annabeth was...busy. She was attending a prestigious high-academic architecture boarding school, working two jobs, and interning for SI. 

He hadn't told her. 

He wouldn't let Jason tell her. 

And he had made all of the other's swear on the River Styx that they wouldn't breathe a word about the accident to her. Wouldn't so much as mention his name, ever again. 

Jason didn't swear the last part; he was the only one who called.

He kind of had to say his name.

A large hulking guard grabbed the skinny boy by the arm and dragged him out of his cell. "Phone for you, 211."

Even they wouldn't say his name. 

But Jason would.

He picked up the phone. "Hello?"

"Hey, Percy."

The Fallen Hero (Percy Jackson x Avengers Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now