32: Little Mr. Spidey-Boy

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Percy shrugged and went back to his cereal and orange juice.

At least with Morgan gone he could eat his breakfast in peace.

Then an athletic black man wearing a Dr. Suess shirt that read I am Sam. Sam I am! walked in. He took one look at Percy and groaned, "Aw, hell nah. I ain't dealing with kids today." And walked right back out.

Then Peter walked in. Or, more like Peter bounced in, his eyes flitting in a million directions at once, hands nervously twitching at his sides. But he grinned when he saw Percy. "She wasn't kidding! Where were you, man? We were worried! Thought you'd been spirited off in your sleep or something."

"Um...sorry?" That was hardly the reception Percy had been expecting.

Actually, he half expected little Mr. Spidey-boy to web him up and send him packing.

"Yeah, well, you're back now...but you're are so screwed when Mr. Stark comes back!" Peter smirked. "He was so mad he reprogramed J.A.R.V.I.S. with a new infrared heat detection system this morning. Nobody's ever getting in or out of this building without Mr. Stark knowing it ever again!"

Percy just nodded, then got up and poured himself a fourth bowl of cereal.

"So, where were you?" Peter pressed.

"Oh...um, I...yeah, I don't know. I woke up in my room this morning. Where should I have been?"

"Dude, do you seriously not remember?"

Percy played dumb. It was usually easier than trying to think. And right then, the last thing he wanted to do was go memory searching. "Enlighten me,"

"Dude, it was totally screwed up." Peter shook his head and hopped up to sit on the counter, swinging his legs. "We were going swimming, then you were just laying there on the floor bleeding out--"

"Kinda hard to forget that part," Percy mumbled, "I mean, what happened after that? I fell asleep on the couch, and...?"

"Right," Peter kneaded his hands, looking at the floor. "Well, you kind of almost died."

Percy laughed.

Peter didn't.

"Whoa! Hey! What do you mean, I almost died?!" Percy yelped, scrambling to his feet.

"I mean you lost a lot of blood, so Dr. Banner wanted to check you out, and your wounds were healed, but you weren't replenishing your blood supply fast enough. And he couldn't get an accurate read on your blood type, so he gave you a Type-O transfusion, and...something went wrong I guess, 'cause you started screaming and then seizing and...yeah. I dunno. Dr. Banner just said you had an adverse reaction to the blood type which is wild, 'cause like, O is compatible with anything."

He looked at Percy for his reaction.

Percy just shook his head in amazement; he didn't remember any of that. "Bruh," he said finally.

"Yeah," Peter agreed. "So, I mean, eventually you calmed down, but your vital readings were like, off the charts, and you were...well..." Peter looked at him nervously, then muttered, "You were like, sobbing, and--"

"Nah...no way," Percy's eyes widened.

Peter nodded and Percy groaned, dropping his head into his hands.

This day just keeps getting better and better, doesn't it?

"Anyway, Dr. Banner had to drug you up pretty good before you calmed down, then he left the room for two seconds and poof! you were gone."

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