31: Chocolate Wine and Orange Juice Martinis

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A deep voice rumbled through Percy's drug-induced sleep. 

"Do you really think this was wise?"

Percy couldn't see anything, but he heard the reply.

"Of all the gods' wisdom to question, you chose me?"

It was a harsh, feminine voice...cold, yet somehow very familiar. 

"No...you are right." The deep voice again. "And the girl seems to have adapted, for now at least.  But the boy..."

"What of him?"

"I fear he knows what has touched his mind, if not who. And if he continues to resist like this...I needn't remind you what would happen."

"No. You needn't. Besides, we were aware of the potential consequences when we took this task,"

"Potential, you said," The deeper voice sounded troubled. "Not likely. One of two...and what if his father hears of it?"

"Yes, potential. He should not have reacted like that...but after every law he has attempted to wreck, why should I expect any less? And as for the father...we'll deal with that as it happens. But your son's job was to ensure that would not happen. Unless he has failed us?"

Anger filled Percy's mind, but it wasn't his anger. It belonged to the owner of the deep voice. "He has not failed. But the father is as slippery as the son...all I am saying is that I would not underestimate either."

"No...but do not overestimate the child either. He still has much to learn."

"And the other one?"

"Keep an eye on her. But she should be fine. I was more...gentle with her mind. It is a great instrument. Besides, she was more guarded at the beginning, he was too trusting and loving. The passion was the same, but his was rooted deeper."

"I see..."

"Till then,"

Percy's mind slammed back into silence.


When Percy finally cracked his eyes open it was mid-morning. And he felt drained, like someone had just replaced his brain with a bag of mush. 

But at least his head didn't hurt anymore.

It took an amazing amount of energy just to sit up, and nearly twice that to get back on his feet. Every inch of him ached in a dull, throbbing sort of way. 

Holy Hades! What did I just take?

He wobbled unsteadily, catching onto his bedpost to steady himself. He didn't remember falling quite so close to his bed, or he thought he might have crawled into it. His mind wandered back to the night before. Nah, he had been practically incapacitated. There was no way he could have moved, even if a monster was standing over his head. 

It had felt good though...the lack of pain, the dulled senses. Just to be able to turn off his mind for a little while and sleep...now he knew what people meant when they said "one hell of a high."

He stumbled to his bathroom and glanced at the shower, then changed his mind and filled up the massive tub. Forty-five minutes and a soaking wet bathroom later Percy stepped out, feeling invigorated and wondering why the water had done so much for him just then, but nothing the night before. 

The night before...

Something was off there. Someone had...done something. And he knew he had figured it out before passing out, but now his scrambled memories held more of an elated feeling and a desire to get back there than actual memories. 

And after his headache he wasn't about to go back and examine the rest of his life. He wanted nothing more than to get away from that wall in his mind. That smooth, shiny wall with everything hidden behind it...

No! he reprimanded himself sharply. Stay away from the wall, Percy! You really wanna go through that again?

Well, I mean...we've got the syringes in our room now if it gets really bad, the other part of him sing-songed in the back of Percy's head.

Well...sure but...no. No, we are not going to do that in the middle of the day! Nah, maybe tonight we'll take another look...but no syringes unless it becomes absolutely necessary. We still don't know what any of the rest of them do. 

Alright, fine. Have it your way. But we are going to find out what is hidden behind that wall.

Whatever. Percy conceded. He couldn't deny his curiosity. He just wished it didn't have to come with so much pain. Sometimes it seemed like everything good in his life came through either dumb luck or blinding pain. 

He decided he should probably see what kind of chaos his disappearance the day before had caused. So much for infallible security systems, Scott seemed to disable them with ease. 

But Scott also seemed like a one-of-a-kind guy, so maybe he shouldn't be that surprised. 


When Percy stepped into the kitchen he found Morgan Stark lounging on the counter sucking chocolate milk out of a wine glass with a pink plastic straw. 

"Morning," Percy said casually, then attacked the fridge, obeying every command his shrunken stomach gave.

Well, not really command. It was more like his stomach was screaming food! in sync with his brain. He couldn't remember the last time he had eaten, and he was starving!

After a couple of minutes he sat down on one of the bar stools with his third bowl of cereal and a martini glass full of orange juice. 

Morgan just stared at him in shock. 

Then she yelled, "Hey, J.A.R.V.I.S., I found him! I found him I found him I found him! Whoo-hoo! I won!" She danced around the kitchen, hooting and hollering in pure ecstasy for a couple of minutes, then she sprinted out of the room, still singing, "I won I won I won!" at the top of her lungs. 

A/N: Shortie, I know, I know, don't kill me!! But I was writing to finish off this chapter and basically wrote the whole next chapter in this chapter, so I split them up. 😜

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