Episode Two

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I woke up, my eyes a little blurred at first.  They burned a bit when I looked at the bright fluorescent ceiling lights.  What a fantastic way to start my morning.  

Wait, where am I anyway?  I gasped and rose, sitting down.  I was... in a room?  It was a hospital room!  How did I get in here?  I can't remember... 

I almost gasped when I saw a man in the same room, sitting in the chair.  Why is he so hot?  Oops... why did I say that...

" WHO ARE YOU?!" I screamed.  He jumped.

" Harin, I understand you had gotten into an injury, but that does not mean you can act this way," The man warned me.  I glared at him and grabbed him by his nicely tied collar.

" HEY YOU," I growled, " What the ***k are you trying to do right now?  Who even are you?  Now get the hell out of here!".  The guy looked scared.  Well, more like he looked stunned.  

 A nurse came in and looked upset.

" Mister," She said, " I advise you to act gently to Miss. Harin here.  She has temporary amnesia and will probably regain her memories in about...hmm... 3-6 months.  Sadly, she is on the long-term side. "  The nurse turned to me, " Hello, Miss. Harin!  I'm sorry, you have amnesia!" She went on and on and told me my basic info and things like that.

Amnesia?  Harin?  Who am I?  Who is this man? 

" Oh...Amnesia? I'm so sorry, mister!" I blushed, embarrassed.  OMG...was he my- husband?  AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

I tapped him.

"Sorry..." I muttered to him, " Are you my husband?".  He turned a little pale.  

Maybe I was wrong!!! Maybe he's my BROTHERAH!!!!!!!

" Yes,  and my name is Dohyeon, " The guy said.  OOH, I hit the jackpot!  He is so good-looking!

Oh my gosh, I couldn't believe it! "Really? You are my husband?" I asked in utter disbelief, trying hard to recall my memories. 

Dohyeon, the guy standing in front of me, looked hesitant for a moment before nodding his head. "Yes, I am," he said softly.

. "I'm sorry, I don't remember anything," I said, feeling a bit emotional. 

Dohyeon held my hand gently and gave me a reassuring look. "Don't worry, we'll figure it out together," he said.

His words gave me comfort, and I knew that I could trust him. "Thank you," I said, feeling grateful for his support. 

Dohyeon looked at me and said, "Of course, anything for my wife." Those words made my heart flutter, and I felt a sudden connection with this man, despite not remembering anything.  

But, why'd it feel so awkward?  I feel like... he's more of a...  


Hours later, after I was discharged, I went to our home and looked all around.

" Uhh... Where are there zero pictures of us together?" I asked, and suddenly I heard a door creak.  

" I'm HERE, Dohyeon~~!" I heard a sassy, sweet voice and saw another girl.  

Doheyon turned pale and said, " H-hello Minji...." 

I may not remember my memories, but I'm 100% sure Dohyeon was cheating on me!  UGH!

I saw Dohyeon, who looked concerned and looked at me.  I glared at him and punched him over and over again.

" THE ***K YOU B****!" I screamed, " YOU DARE TO BRING YOUR OTHER LOVER  HOME?!" I roared, and Minji, that girl, gasped.  

" What is she doing here?" She asked, crossing her arms.

" Excuse me?!" I asked, " I should ask the same of you!  He's my hub!".  Minji stared at me for a minute and started cackling.

" Dohyeon, what is wrong with her?" she asked.  

" She (ouch) has (ouch) amnesia," Dohyeon muttered in pain. 

" Harin..." Dohyeon turned to me and said, " This is my co-CEO, Minji.  She was supposed to be here for a business meeting (sigh),".  Minji puffed herself.  Ugh!

" Sorry!" I yelled, " I'm sorry, Minji and Dohyeon!".  Suddenly, Dohyeon got a phone call and excused himself for a minute.


Minji and I sat awkwardly on the couch, and she looked so happy.  Ugh, that's creepy...

" So you don't remember anything?!" Minji exclaimed, giggling, " THAT'S GREAT! HAHAHA!"

" Hey- are you okay?" I asked, concerned.

" Do you remember the 1000 lives?  The witch?  Your love with that guy?" Minji asked.  

" What are you even talking about ?!" I asked, scared.  What 1000 lives???  

Did I....forget something?

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