Episode Six

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BTW, guys, I spend about 30 minutes (actually!) trying to choose a song/playlist on YouTube to match the episodes/chapters.  Please don't complain if some of the songs are bad/you don't like or don't match 100%.  I get tired. TY for understanding.

Also...umm...I like K-POP a lot so I really apologize if I did too much K-POP, I will try to do other genres, too :)

I had a dream where I met the witch yesterday. 

" Oh," I said.  " Hello,".   I was not excited to see her old, wrinkly face.  She always looked like she stayed in a water-filled bathtub for a week and got soggy, wet, and wrinkly.

" Hello, my dear!" She said, grinning.  Her grin was the same as Minji's.  It looks sweet to the naked eye but profound inside evil.

" What do you what?" I asked coldly.

" My-my," the witch said, " That's how you treat me after I gave you 1000 lives?"

  " Excuse me?" I asked, " Your so-called daughter, Minji, literally cheated on every life! And it also made me look less attractive than her! And now, she's trying to KILL me! You really should've seen the elevator incident!"

" That is why, dear," The witch said, " I have a deal. "  

I shivered and felt goosebumps all over my skin.

" Help  Minji and Dohyeon marry in this life," The witch said. 

 And before she could continue, I screamed at the top of my lungs, " NO!!! WHY WOULD I GIVE UP MY LOVER FOR MY ENEMY?  I'VE SPENT 1000 FRIGGIN' LIVES FOR HIM!!!"

The witch said, " Oh, shut up, child!  Let me talk!"  

I got quiet immediately. 

The witch continued, "If you help them get married, I promise to give you a lifetime of happiness and love with someone much better than Dohyeon."

Her offer took me aback. A lifetime of happiness and love sounded too good to be true. But I couldn't just give up on my love for Dohyeon. He was the only constant in all my life, and I couldn't imagine a life without him.

"I can't do it," I said finally, "I can't betray my love for Dohyeon."

"Very well," the witch said with a sigh, "But remember, you have only one life left."

With those words, the dream ended, and I woke up confused and scared. I couldn't shake the feeling that the witch's warning was real and that I had to be careful with how I lived my life from now on.


(Continue reading with this video above ^^)

The dream (which was probably real) made me think.

Should I...really focus on loving Dohyeon? 

I mean, I love him, but is it worth sacrificing my happiness and future for him? What if the witch was right, and there was someone much better out there for me? But what if there isn't? What if Dohyeon is my soulmate, and I let him go for nothing? 

But as for now, I needed to focus on work, and not my love life.

As I went about my day, these thoughts kept nagging at me, and I couldn't shake the feeling that I had to make a decision soon. 

And so I did.

I decided to ignore the witch, Dohyeon, and Minji for now.  

I needed to think about myself.

This whole time, I've been too obsessed with Dohyeon.

What about me?  My looks?  My personality?  My life?

In these 999 lifetimes, I've been thinking the wrong way.

I've been putting all my energy into pleasing Dohyeon, and trying to fight Minji.  

I forgot about myself!


A few days later...

De beauté et d'amour  ( A wannabe-french salon actually run by Koreans).


The stylist stared at me as I entered the room.  Me with my pale skin, boring round glasses, and straight hair.

" Oh, hello!  I know exactly what you want!  Usually, people like you want a slight difference, right?  Maybe a few layers," the woman said.

" No," I told the stylist, " Make it bolder," I said, insulted.

The woman looked at me skeptically, but I knew what I wanted. 

"I wanted to feel bold and confident, and I wanted to make a change," I said to the hairstylist. "What do you suggest?"

"Well, we could turn your long, straight hair into a curly s-perm and add some layers to give it more volume," she suggested.

I nodded.

"Great! A s-curl perm to give your hair more definition and bounce," she added.

I was nodding my head in agreement, hyped for the transformation. After hours in the salon chair, I came out with a whole new look that made me feel like a boss. As I left the salon, I was feeling like a whole new person. My curly hair, which I had always kept straight, gave me a bold and adventurous look that I had never before possessed. 

Then, I ditched the glasses and got fitted for contacts, something I'd been wanting to do for ages. I always thought glasses made me look old-fashioned.

I walked into the makeup artist's studio and she was super chill. "So, what kind of look are you going for?" she asked. I wasn't really sure, but I knew I wanted something that would make me stand out. 

The makeup artist gave me a natural look but with a pop of color on my lips. I'd never really been into makeup before, so this was really new to me.


Anyways, continuing what's really happening right now. 

I was still at work.

As I went about my day, I received so many compliments on my new look! 

As the day went on, I received more compliments and even a few flirtatious comments from some of my coworkers. It was strange but also exciting to see how much my appearance had changed people's perception of me.

At one point, one of my colleagues even asked me out on a date. I was surprised but also flattered. It was as if my new look had given me a newfound appeal that I had never before possessed.

Overall, it was a busy day, but a good one. 

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