Chap 2

496 11 19

Yummy. Vinegar

They were all sat around the room they had been.. summoned to. The strange human-with-weird-powers had told them to sit, wherever they wanted, but to face the black.. screen-? In the front of the room

Frisk explained it was a TV.. and would probably show us the things.

They all sat in a group, together. Undyne and alphys were sat in the corner of a couch. Toriel was set on the other corner with frisk in the middle.

Asgore was sat in a chair with flowey (ignore the fact that he wasn't mentioned before, please) on the side table. Mettaton was sitting on the floor, aswell as papyrus. Grillby was also sat in a chair. (I probably forgot someone, forgive me)

They were all chatting. ("No, undyne. I dont think vinegar would go good with coffee.") Although the conversation almost always turned to sans or the strange human.

After 2 minutes of waiting and talking, the black screen flashed. Everyone jumped (in some vary of surprise) and faced the screen.

The screen showed sans, much much younger. In a ragged, dirty green hoodie. The hoodie was oversized, reaching just below sans' knees. He had the hood on, which was draping over some of his face

For a moment, there was silence. Then papyrus and alphys squealed.

"BABYBONES SANS! AWW!" papyrus squealed, flapping his hands.

Undyne laughed. "Huh! Who knew the punk was that small before- didn't think it was possible!"

After a couple of minutes, toriel hummed. "I wonder why his jacket is so.. dirty" she muttered, wringing her hands.

Mettaton threw a side look at the screen, judging sans' fashion choices all over again.

Frisk was just staring st the screen, smiling at child sans.

Before anyone could say anything else, the screen unpaused.

He was carrying a clothes basket, smiling. He walked into a room, sockets filled with stars. Faint crying could be heard.

Papyrus blinked. "HUH. I DID NOT KNOW MY BROTHER COULD HAVE STAR- EYES" papyrus muttered.

Alphys squealed. "I-i dont kn-know or care– but I-its fricken ad-adorable!" She said.

Undyne laughed at her antics. Frisk frowned, as well as flowey.

*w-who is crying in the background?* she signed, looking worried.

Everyone paused, hearing the crying too.

"Hey paps! Guess what I foun- oh gosh, papyrus! Are you okay?" Sans said, voice wavering at the end. He rushed to a small bundle, which turned out to be papyrus.

Undyne gasped and shook papyrus. "PAPYRUS- YOU. ARE. SO. ADORABLE. AS. A. BABYBONES." She paused. "Wait.. does that count as a pun.." she mumbled.

Toriel snorted, covering her mouth.

"Oh, dear. It is truly adorable how sans cares for you, dearie~" mattson said, smirking at papyrus.

Papyrus smiled. "YES. SANS IS RATHER PROTECTIVE, EVEN IF HE IS LAIDBACK ('MORE LIKE LAZY BUT WHATEVER..') He said, whispering at the end.

Frisk giggled at her friends antics.

Suddenly, there was footsteps behind sans.

That snapped everyone's attention back to the screen.

Sans spun around, eyesockets wide. Behind him, was a purple fire monster. "miss! I'm sorry- I was ju-" sans started, getting caught off by the elemental. "DID I SAY YOU WERE DONE? I did NOT dismiss you from chores!" She shouted aggressively.

Everyone stared.

"Wow, what a b-" flowey started, before asgore put his hand on flowey face.

Papyrus frowned. "I dont think I remember her.." he muttered.

Grillby was interested. He knew other fire elementals existed, but he hasn't seen this one... or maybe he has.

Alphys frowned.

Undyne huffed. "I wonder what that place is.. anyway"

"It look like an old orphanage that use to exist.. wasn't it set on fire?" Toriel asked.

Alphys nodded.

Papyrus stared at the screen. "I REMEMBER A FIRE.."

Again, before anyone could talk again, the screen started: sans flinched, a sheepish look on his face. He rubbed the back of his neck. "I know.. I know, I-" he started, before being cut off. "You ungrateful little boy! I would've kicked you out YEARS AGO if it wasn't for my kindness!" She shouted, approaching sans and raising a hand.

Alphys gasped and covered her mouth.

Everyone froze.

"WAS SHE GOING TO HURT SANS?! HE HAS 1HP!" papyrus gasped.

Undyne, mettaton, grillby, and alphys all froze, slowly looking at papyrus.

"What?" Undyne whispered.

Papyrus blinked. "SANS DIDNT TELL YOU..? HE HAD 1 HP, 1 DEF, AND 1 AT."

Grillby stared. "No..? Why didnt he- one mistake and he would be dead!"

"How d-does he ev-even have 1 h-hp?!" Alphys squeaked. That was really low! The lowest Hp she'd ever heard of was 10 HP!

Frisk sat there frozen, staring at the screen. Sans.. how- why did-

Papyrus glared at the screen. Undyne growled in anger.

"That b- lady!" She started, not trying to say. Cuss word. "How dare she!"

Asgore and grillby frowned in anger, staring at the screen.

Sans flinched away, the lady just barely missing.

Papyrus exhaled in relief.

Undyne glared. Sans almost just died.. how has he survived this long with 1 HP?!

The group moved closer together.

"I dont want to slacking off any longer! If I catch you, I'll kick you out! You hear me?! You'll never be able to check on your brother again." She hissed. Sans' eye sockets went black and his smile went a bit more tense. "Y-yes ma'am." He whispered.

Papyrus and toriel nearly cried. This made them realize just how much they didnt know about sans.

Undyne growled furiously. Frisk let out a small noise of sympathy, although she was equally as upset.

Alphys, mettaton, and toriel noted how sans' smile tensed. Papyrus stared at the screen.


924 words! Excluding all of this.

Yeah, I hope you liked this.

Btw, feel free to comment anything, preferably nicer comments.

I dont think people realize unless they have written something public (bad or not) but comments really motivate people <3

Anyway. Heres a couple song recommendations. (Maybe you guys could tell me songs, I can listen to them, and rate them!)

People you know: (dont know the artist): I really like this one, I LOVE the slowed/apes up versions.  The beat drop is amazing 9/10.

Below the surface: 10/10. I'm not really a FNAF fan, but the songs are amazing OMG. Really amazing for edits.

BTW. These songs are whatever came on my playlist, so dont go calling anything cringe.

Btw, you're all amazing, dont forget that. <3

Undertale reacts to Sans (or whatever)Where stories live. Discover now