reacting... again.

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They had all been summoned back to the blank room again. Mid action.

Frisk fell back onto her butt, ashore falling over.


After everyone rights themselves, wittingly closer than before, the screen starts up

Alphys shifted nervously

The scene starts outside a building.

Toriel, upon seeing it, sighs. Seeing papyrus glance at her, she explains "That's the PTA building."

Undyne hums. Mettaton turns her gaze and scrutinizes it

Sans let's out a slow breath and walks in, the scene changing to him opening the door to the meeting room. He's met by humans. And brenda.

Undyne scowls at the sight of that rancid rat.

Frisk sticks their tongue out, toriel ruffling her hair.

Brenda, sitting in the head chair, raising an eyebrow. "Who're you?" She huffs, turning her nose up

Papyrus frowns. (He was just as protective of sans as sans was to him.)

Sans blinks, recognizing the woman from the store. His smile widens, tensing and his eyes slightly narrowing in annoyance. He tilts his head. "'M subbing for toriel. She couldn't make it."

Undyne smiles sharply at sans' reaction.

Brenda's eyes narrow, a small scowl on her face. "Of course, all you monsters know each other. After living in that damp cave for years." She sidemarks, before pulling up a sickly sweet smile, gesturing to a pan of yellow lemon cakes "want a lemon bar?"

Toriel breifly rolls her eyes before catching herself.

Undyne, however, rolls her eyes freely.

Alphys and frisk frowns. Damp caves, huh?

"Bitch." Flowey whispers under his breath, so asgore or toriel wouldn't hear

Mettaton was heavily judging Bianca. (And that yellow crap disguised as 'lemon bars')

Sans' expression didnt change, but you could tell he was annoyed. He walked forward and takes a seat in the empty chair. "No thanks." He murmers simply

Undyne huffed. He was still being polite? She would've ripped Bianca a new one if she was him.

Toriel and papyrus, however, was happy with sans' politeness.

Bianca turns her nose up as if sans smelled. "Very well." Theres a pause. "Name?" She asks sharply. Sans waves a hand "the names sans. Sans the skeleton."

Papyrus cracks a small grin.

"I could see that." She mutters under her breath, before straightening up and clapping her hands together "well! Let's get to planning the festival!"

And, papyrus' grin falls slightly.

Asgore taps his arm, glancing over at toriel when she sighs and puts her head in her hands.

She simply gestures to the screen when frisk throws a questioning glance to her

The scene changes to sans, who had slumped a little in his chair and leaven forward, putting his arms on the table and resting his hands in them and he vacantly observed the patterns in the wood table.

Papyrus smiles softly. His brother could never hold up his attention and posture for long

He flinches slightly when Bianca's loud voice speaks again, saying his name "Mr. Sans!" She exclaims. Sans lifts up and blink st her, faltering when she slides a piece of paper over to him, not even looking at him "you're in charge of lights."

Asgore makes an 'oh' expression. So that's why toriel reacted like that.

Papyrus frowned, fidgiting with his scarf and running the material in his hands. He didn't know about that. About Sans getting a job he didnt even sign up for.

Undyne ruffles her nose, looking irritated "now, that isn't fair! He's just subbing for toriel!"

Nobody can say anymore, because the screen continues. Sans frowns. "I'm just subbing for tori–." Bianca scoffs, rolling her eyes. "So? Just do it. I'll email toriel to tell her your sign it and you to send you the details" she cuts sans off

Toriel frowns, biting her cheek for a moment. She still felt bad about that.

Sans' eye twitches and he pulls up a strained smile. "Of course, bianca." He grits out. When bianca looks away, he flips her off before grabbing the paper and teleporting back to his house.

Papyrus, much to his annoyance, snorts, covering his mouth

Flowey's eyebrows raise. Hes never seen teashbag do that before.

Alphys cracks again, remembering the time snapping sand her use to work together. She's seen him do it a few times before, mostly as a joke.


So sorry for cutting it short! I planned to do more but I was getting tired and my stomach was cramping really bad towards the end.

Love you all !!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09 ⏰

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