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I'm back


The group explored. They had all waited and waited and waited. But the screen hadn't came on. It wasnt until undyne spoke up did a note fall.

Undyne restlessly tapped her foot before sighing loudly, drawing the attention of the others who had been thinking or talking (or, in asgore's case, obvserving)

She stands up, stomping over to the screen. "IS THIS THING BROKEN, HUH?! IM GETTING QUITE TIRED OF SITTING HERE!" she cries, opening her mouth to say more before a WHOOOSH can be heard, and a random note falls to the ground infront of alphys.

Alphys grabs it and adjusts it. She looks up at the others "I-I-it says that— that we-we have a break. F-feel free to explore."

And with that, doors appeared. Frisk walked throughout the doors and hallways. There was a kitchen, where toriel, papyrus, and flowey was (flowey was took by force. Hes a plant in a pot. He can be took everywhere) where frisk snatches him up and continues with him

Undyne, alphys, and mettaton was in the lounging room.

Asgore was walking around as well

Frisk walked back to the kitchen, hesitating outside the entrance of it. She could hear papyrus and toriel coming.

Little snippets of "–I dont know why—... never tells me anything!— im— ... really worried sometimes." In papyrus' voice. He wasnt speaking in caps, not shouting..

And little snippets of toriel reassuring him. "—theres a reason...— ... dont worry, dear."

Frisk frowned, clutching floweys pot before creeping away, leaving them to their privacy.

She walks calmly into the living room, climbing on top of a couch and setting flowey on the coffee table as they watch undyne and mettaton have a dancing contest.

Frisk runs her hands over the fabric of their sweater, soothing themselves with it.

Everything would be okay.


I didnt exactly know what to do for this chapter, that's why it's so short, but theres another on the way

Also, I have no idea where I'm going with this plot. :3

Love you all !!!

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