Chap 4

384 15 18

Sorry for the long wait

Sans blinked, "Sup tori" he murmured. "Oh sans, I need your help!" Toriel answered. Sans' eye sockets briefly went black, widening.

Papyrus grinned fondly. Sans was always worried about things.


Toriel hummed, tilting her head. "My bad, I did not know he worried."

"I know its terribly early but I'm running a bit late. Could you take frisk to school for me?" sans relaxed. He was now at the register, paying for the groceries absentmindedly. He teleported, the scene changing to outside his house. The grocery bags floating behind him, surrounded by blue magic

Frisk smiled. She remembers this! It wasn't very often goat mom was late.

Papyrus huffed. He got why his brother teleported home— he didn't even take any ride to the store.. but his brother couldn't even carry the bag?! Un-believe-able.

Sans shrugged, putting the bags up with his magic. "Sure" he replied. "Could you do me one more favor? I'm terribly sorry."

Mettaton blinked. What other favor?

Toriel blinked, before giving a heavy sigh.

The others looked at her, wanting a explanation.

Toriel gestured at the screen.

"Sure, what is it?"

Papyrus smiled. His brother did so many favors, he ought to take a break.

"I have to miss the PTA meeting too. It's at four, could you maybe go there and take noted for me?" Sans hummed, sipping some ketchup. "I'm so sorry if that's too much-" sans eye sockets went black slightly. "No no dont sweat it! I'll be there soon, k?"

Undyne groaned. "Aw man, I wonder how sans can always do something. PTA sounds so boring!"

Alphys just stared fondly.

Toriel giggled. "It is, but I find work like that relaxing." She sighs. "I just hope Bianca didnt bother him"

Grillby facepalmed— as much as a faceless monster could.

Yeah. Spending and hour with Bianca would suck.

"Take your time" toriel hummed. The scene changed, and suddenly sans was outside toriels door. He knocked- "hold on sans, someone's at the door."

Papyrus facepalmed, groaning.

Frisk giggled, and toriel grinned, slightly embarrassed. It was so surprising! She hadn't known of sans' teleporting ability at that time.

Undyne huffed "that's how the punk seemed to be everywhere."

Toriel opened the door. "Oh, sans! How did you get here so fast?!" She gasped. Sans grinned, closing one eye socket. "nope. you're supposed to say who's there."

... silence.

Until- papyrus groaned, covering his eyes in exasperation.

Frisk giggled, covering her mouth.

Undyne joined papyrus in groaning, but it was more of an enraged shout.

Toriel froze, processing, before bursting out in cackles.

Unable to help it, asgore and alphys started laughing. Toriels laughter was just too contagious!

Frisk entered the screen, pushing pass toriel and grinning at sans. "Alright buddy, let's get ya too school. Mind if we.. take a shortcut?" His smile widened, almost mischievously

Papyrus couldn't help but crack a smile.

The scene changes, and frisk is waving bye. Sans waves back, before teleporting. The scene changes and sans is back in his home. He walks in, and is attacked by a exited papyrus. Papyrus picks him up, spinning him around. Sans look slightly similar to a wet cat, with his expression

Papyrus grinned, straightening up. His scarf was... waving in the.. nonexistent air. What's up with that? Undyne thought.

Frisk giggled. Sans looked so funny!

"hey bro, what time is it?" Yndyne blinked, letting go of sans. He glanced at his watch. "3:37!" He exclaimed, before looking down at sans. "WHY?"

Undyne winced at the drop.

"i have a PTA meeting im covering for tori." Sans answered, sticking his hands in his pockets nonchalantly. Suddenly, papyrus asks "I know you said you dont remember.. do you know what mum and dad must've looked like?"

Grillby stared.. that.. came out of nowhere.

Toriel frowned, expression motherly.

Sans' smile dropped, but it was back just as quickly.

Papyrus frowns, wringing his hands he.. hadn't noticed that before

"Nah, haven't got a clue." He murmered, voice quiet, before he pulled it back up again "Mustafa been good people, they had tou after all"

Alphys had a feeling that wasn't the case.

Papyrus grinned, snatching sans up. Sans' eye sockets went dark in surprise, and he quickly clung to papyrus (pls pretend its bold I'm too tired for this)

Papyrus grinned.

Alphys squealed I swear! Sans is so similar to a cat!!

The screen goes dark, but laughter can be heard. 'haha! ha- c'mon paps! ha! hahe- paps! Pap! PAPYRUS-

Papyrus' grin fell as soon as sans had used a capital letter, and his eyes widened at the scream.

They stared at the screen once again, needing it to continue- they need to know what that was. They had to know if sans was okay.

The scene changed, and younger sans was curled up, surrounded by fire. The screen glitched- before it was filled by black again.

Papyrus stared. What was that? Was sans okay-? What happened- what was that fjre-

He was knocked out of it when undyne placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, paps. Dont worry. Shh" she murmed.

Papyrus now realized how quick his breathing had gotten.


Ima and it here. I'm tired.

Hope you liked it!

ANYWAY. I want you guys to comment some fav songs down below, and I'll listen to it and rate it ^^

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