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Lyanna's Perspective

“Good morning, sunshine.” Dovey greeted as she entered my room. I’m currently doing my dress, zipping the back of it. And oh if you’re wondering about Lesso. She’s already gone when I woke up, I can’t tell that I’m surprised. I already expected that anyway, I just hoped that she had a good sleep last night. “Do you need a hand, darling?” She put her hands on my shoulder and stare at me through the mirror.

“I’d very much appreciate your help, Dovey.” She smiled and nodded before pulling up the zipper of my dress. I stand up and swirl around for her to take a good look of my dress. It’s just a simple below the knee floral dress then I paired it with a flat princess shoes. “You never aged, now do you? You’re so pretty and lovely, Lya.” She scrunches her nose and dodge my cheeks. After that she took a step back and stand in front of me.

“Look at me.” She demanded so I did. Scanning all her features. Though she’s still wearing the same yellow ball gown dress she wore last night “Notice something? Hm?” She wiggled her eyebrows, waiting for me to say the word she wanted to hear.

“I love your heels, suits you perfectly.” I answered all smiling but she just frown at me “Nah- not that. Look again Lya.” I put my index finger below my nose and think once again. “Oh! Your make u-“ She swayed her hand in front of my face, making me stop.

Now she’s growing impatient “This!” She then pointed at the tiara that is delicately laying above her head “You gave this to me as a gift when I became the dean, remember?” Oh no I don’t “Y-Yeah right. G-Gosh wow that is so beautiful.” How am I supposed to know, it’s been four years since she became the dean. A lot of things happened.

“You don’t remember.” I scratch the back of my neck and nodded “Did I really gave that to you? That is so pretty, I don’t trust myself at all to pick something as beautiful as that. Maybe that’s why I  can’t remember.” Dovey stomp her feet and sighs.

“That is so disappointing. I was so excited to wear this because first, it’s the first gift that I got when I became the dean. Second, it’s from you. Gosh you have a memory ranged like a teaspoon.” I held her chin and lift it a bit, taking a better look of the diamond Tiara. It’s shiny and dainty, more than eye pleasing. Only her would look good with it.

“Stop whining, Dovey. I do remember it now. It is a customized Tiara that was made by our royal jewelry maker. I designed it, I picked the stone, and decided how should it look like. This is made, just for you. What is your opinion about it?” I smiled when I saw a patch of red on her cheeks “You look amazing, by the way.” She smiles even more “Only because it is you who gave it.”

“Shall we go and have some breakfast now?” She offered her arm which I gladly accept. We left my room and walk to the hall side by side “How did you sleep last night?” She asked after a moment of silence “Slept like a baby. It felt like I sleep after a long day of studying just like before. It’s good and nostalgic, having my things around. Feels like home.” Plus Lesso and I finally got to talk and she’s there with me.

“How about I take you to your classroom after breakfast? I could also help you decorate or stuff your things if you want?” I don’t really have a plan for the day so that sounds amazing “Yes please, Dovey. I’d love that.” She smiles and we just continue to head towards the hall. Still talking about things.

“Lady’s first.” She opened the door and gestures me to go first “That’s so kind of you, Clarissa.” She just wink at me before we proceeds to our table. I was met with a various faces I’m not very much familiar. Either be it the staffs or teachers “Where is Emma?” I asked, the only person I know other than Lesso and her. I heard she became a teacher here.

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