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| Same Day |

While Zac's father was giving him some much-needed advice along with a reality check down in the basement, Zac's mother, Veronica, took the time to talk with Fatima. She is not trying to be nosey but she wants to check the temperature just to have a better understanding.

"And yeah..." Fatima had just finished spending the last 20 minutes explaining 3 years' worth of stuff. Although she has told the story to Zac for what feels like 12 times, it was a difference talking to a grown woman who reminds you of your mother, that same mother you haven't spoken to in years.

"Wow." His mother voiced. She had a lot to unpack, never once interrupting her as she allowed Fatima her time to tell her story. Her heart aching for this young lady infront of her, she herself, remembering how she was at 20. Having to go through all of that in three years is something unexplainable...unimaginable...but here she is today, smiling and growing.

"Mommy." Junior said finally getting bored with Crayons.

Fatima ignored him, not intentionally, but just due to those words. "Mommy!" He began shaking her shoulder snapping her out of the trance she had herself in.

"Yes cookie monster?"

Junior giggled as every time she said that it was followed up with a tickle. "Stoppppp!" Once she eased up and let him catch his breath, she went back at it, this time his laughing squeal even higher than before.

He wanna be Mariah Carey so badddd🙄

"Can I play games on your phone?" He asked as he caught his breath.

"I don't have games on my phone, what's wrong with the coloring?"


"Okay let's see." Fatima went through her jacket before pulling up the App Store, she didn't know what he was all interested in so she just downloaded a bunch of stuff. With Junior finally quiet, Fatima turned her attention back to Veronica, who was smiling away at the interaction.

"You're really good with him."

"You think so?" She asked.

"Definitely. He is calling you mommy, kids don't just call anybody that." Veronica mentioned making Fatima take note of the compliment. "Why were you guys arguing, if you don't mind me asking."

Fatima took a breath, trying to think of the words. "He's just...I can't explain it. He's just too good to be true...you know..or maybe I am overthinking it." She confessed.

"My son? Too good to be true?" Veronica busted out laughing. "Wait til he get sick and he attached to your hip like a baby is to the nipple. Wait til he forget that white clothes need bleach and vinegar in the washer. My son is by no means perfect and I am sure you have seen it...you may think he is perfect compared to the little boy who brought you so much pain, but my son has some maturing to do."

Just like Richard, Veronica, was a straight shooter. She never fell for that "my son my king" bullshit that a lot of mothers do. She goes online and see's Blueface mom and how she acts and is thankful she never acted like that behind her son. She strongly believed all genders needed to be guided, needed to be taught, and needed to be self-responsible and accountable.

Which is why she had Zac cooking, cleaning, and doing everything society labled as "a female thing". She ended up giving up when he turned 16 and he still struggled with making rice, she tried to explain to him, once you add the ingredients don't touch it. But somehow someway...Zac's hands always touched it. She laughed as the memories brought a sudden rush of emotions, her son really is grown now.

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