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Pulling up to the mall, Fatima hopped out to set the stroller up. She was not about to carry Junior and the million other things needed to the list. Once she got the figured out, she buckled Junior in, and grab the bookbag to put in the undercarriage part.

Grabbing the iPad away from Junior. "Hey! I was watching that."

"Hold on buddy." She had to place the portable charger on there so it could last the duration of the mall trip. Both Junior and Zac had a bad habit of letting their phones die, main reason being how bright their screens were and the excessive amount of apps open. Fatima never understood it but figured it to be a Taylor thing.

She gave Junior his iPad back as it rested on the carrier tray, he was watching Boss Baby on Netflix. She pulled out two fruit snack packets and then half water half juice bottle so that he could be focused. Locking the car up and making sure Junior was set, they made their way into the mall.

"Ahh hell nah." She thought to herself once she made it through the entrance, it was a million people there. "This is my first and last time, next time, I'm doing Christmas Shopping in August. Ain't nobody fooling with them."

"Mommy?" Junior whined.

"Yes honey?

"Are we going to see Santa right now?"

"Sorta. We gotta stop at some stores first then we can see Santa." She told him as they made their way into Bath and Body Works. Zac said he needed some of their Aromatherapy items as it helps with post recovery from football. Fatima was gonna grab a few things as well since they were having a sale.

After paying for those items she went into the remaining stores in the front half of the mall, ensuring Junior didn't see anything she was buying. He was either turned to face the opposite direction in the stroller or he was too busy to notice.

Fatima made her way to the center but almost back end of the mall where the gigantic tree is along with Santa. The line was long and it was almost discouraging, being new to this, she didn't understand why their was a line. Take the picture and go about your business. That was until she saw some families having issues with their kids or they weren't prepared. But as blunt as it sounds...if you not prepared why are you there? Holding up everybody else's time for your lack of preparation.

Before investing her time in the lines, she decided to stop at the NFL shop that was posted next door. She still hasn't found an outfit for tonight and she didn't feel like scavengnig through her clothes again. She can easily pull of a jersey and jeans.

Doing just that, she got her and Junior matching #3 Taylor Jerseys.

"Junior scoot forward please." She asked as she needed to compare the sizes. "Okay so 5T." She thought to herself as she went through the racks. Once she found the jersey, she took Junior out the stroller so he could try it on. The silk like material worried her as sometimes they either wrong too big or too small and she did not feel like making the exchange if she didn't need too.

"You gotta stay still boo." She was able to get the jersey on him after much fight. He was now pouting because he wanted to see Santa, Fatima was just trying to buy the two items, and head to the line, but Junior was holding her back.

"Mommy! I wanna go see Santa." He whined as he pointed in the direction of the line.

"I get that, we are almost there. Just work with me here please." She pleaded. She put both his arms up to the sky, she wanted to see if the jersey will rise up and sure enough it did.

"Excuse me sir." She asked the owner of the shop. "Do you by chance have this exact jersey in a 6T in the back?" She asked him stirring through the rack of hangers. "If not, it's fine but for $79.99, this should last him a good year or so."

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