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* Quick note - All of these chapters are prewritten before they are dropped so that I am not rushing to drop something. I hate waiting weeks for a chapter LOL. Plus I change things around when I see certain comments which is why it is important to comment. I love reading all of them. 

* Also I drop one chapter a day between 7:30PM- 11PM. After trial and error, I am gonna start dropping between 7:30-8:30EST on a consistent basis, that is when I get the best numbers and comments for some reason. Depending on the situation I may drop two chapters but I try not too because I now have to write another LOL. 

* Whatever you THINK is gonna happen is NOT gonna happen LOL. I like to keep everyone on their toes. I bet nobody saw these last few chapters coming. We got a little bit of drama and some storylines to close out. And I appreciate the support from everyone!

* ALSO! Follow me so when I drop announcements so we can interact because you guys determine how the story goes. I don't like making 'fake chapters' because I be pissed when authors do it to me! But me dropping 29B is the only way you guys answer some of my questions. 

And don't cuss me out because this IS a chapter! Enjoy!


Fatima walked out of her parents' house as the tears rolled down her face, she forgot about ordering a ride share, she just wanted to be out of that house. She called Zac a few times and each time it was sent to voicemail which was hurtful but she understood why. It seemed like this house, coming back to Chicago, brought back so many good memories that were now tainted due to one single conversation. 

"What are you doing here?" She looked up and saw Mike, the driver, from earlier standing outside the truck. Although Zac and Junior left and drove them there, he was not gonna have her wandering the streets of Chicago in a taxi or an Uber, too risky. No matter what they had going on, he would never be too bitter or angry to leave her like that. He loved and appreciated her too much. 

"On behalf of Zac." He stated opening the back door and helping her inside. "Also this came for you." He handed her a file that was sealed with a lock and a note that stated 'answer when I call'. She ran her hands not the plastic feel cover before her hands stopped at the lock. 

"Who gave it to you?" She asked looking at him. 

Ahhh shit..here we go again!

He looked over his shoulder a few times before whispering. "A woman." He tensed up as the wind came in like a dramatic effect, all his years driving multiple high-profile people, he knew exactly who this woman was and what she was capable of. He personally worked alongside her for a few years before she upped and disappeared one day "There's a note taped to the backside, she stated she will call you with instructions shortly. She also mentioned that the all the answers you need are right there in that file." He gave her a look. 

"Did she say anything else?" 

"Nope." She nodded her head before she put the file in the next seat over and made her self comfortable in the chair. Mike closed the door before they began driving, she noticed he missed several turns which would've taken her back to her hotel. At first she figured the weather or construction but she soon realized she was heading out of the city. 

"Uhm Mike...my hotel is back there." She cautiously stated as she pointed out the back window. He looked up from the rear view mirror smiling. "I am aware of that." 

"Oh hell nah!" She uttered to herself, all her years of watching Lifetime movies has finally caught up with her. She was not finna have them make a movie called Kidnapped: The Fatima Wilson Story.

"Ma'am." He looked back in the mirror as she frantically grabbed her shit. "Stop!" He yelled seeing her grab the door handle, she was legit about to stop drop and roll onto the free way in negative degree weather. "Zac told me to take you there." He informed her. 

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