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A month later

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A month later...
I'm curled up on my bed, tears spill from my eyes in a bucket loads drenching the pillowcase beneath my head

A month.

A whole full month since I've lost my dad, a whole full month without him.

A month of sorrow, pain and...nightmares.

Everyday I would lock myself in my room, staying on my bed and cry until my brain wouldn't allow anymore and I would fall asleep on the spot.

Sometimes I allow myself to think that this is all just a dream and one day I will wake up and my father—my very protective father would still be here, with me.

I still can't believe that my father is dead and that he is no longer with us and that I won't be able to see him again, ever.

This is the hardest moment of my life.

I'm mourning the loss of my father, with my flesh bleeding heart, the heart was broken by the only man that I happen to have feelings for—the only man that destroyed me.

There's a knock and the seconds later my door is opened.

"Skylar" Clara calls me.

Clara is the only person that I have now.

I don't know much about my father's side and my dad once told me that mom was disowned by her family after she decided to marry him.

So I have no one, just my best friend who has been with me since it all happened and she haven't left my side, not a single day.

I don't know what I would do without her. I know she feels obligated to do this, thinking that what happened is her fault.

Although I assured her it's not, she still insists that I need her. She didn't even go to see her mother who is serious sick and honestly, I feel bad

I feel like I've trapped her in my miserable life and it's not right.

"Skylar" she calls again, walking to my bed. I wipe the tears and look at her but shakes my head when I see that she's holding a tray of food.

I don't wanna throw up, again.

"Skylar you need to eat" Clara pleads.

"I'm not hungry" My hoarse voice is barely a whisper.

I've lost my appepite lately. The foods are not tasty anymore and when I try to eat, I end up puking.

"You haven't taken anything since morning" She complains.

"I had an apple" I tell her, trying my best to hold the bile that rises up my throat. Feeling nausea.

I don't like the smell of food she brought.

"You need a proper food Skylar, that's..."

She doesn't get to finish as I stand up and run to the bathroom. I make it there and puke right on the sink. I cough heavily, tears escaping my eyes.

Once my stomach is empty and the nausea fades, I flush, rinse my mouth and wash my face.

I sigh, staring at myself in the mirror. I look...broken.

"I'm okay" I tell Clara who is looking at me with concern and if I'm not mistaken...panic. She thinks that I'm sick.

"Maybe we should go to the hospital"

"I'll be fine" I tell her drying my hands.

"I don't know Skylar-maybe...wait" She says and exit the bathroom.

I'll be fine

Ten minutes later Clara comes back.

"Here" she says handing me a parcel

"What's that?"

"Just take it"

I take the parcel and open it but I frown when I see what's in there.

"A pregnancy test!?"

"You should take the test Skylar"

" Why-why do I..." I stammer but then stop when I remember the day it happened.

Tears well up in my eyes when I remember that day when he... that he did finish inside me.Then could I be....?

"No" I shake my head, panic washing over me.

I cannot be pregnant. I can't. Not now, not like this, not with...him

"Hey calm down" Clara rushes to me, seeing my face pales.

"I could be wrong okay" she tries to comfort me. "Just take it to be on the safe side "

"I'm scared" I admit, tears escaping my eyes.

"Don't be, okay. Am here Skylar" I sniff, noding my head


I walk to the bathroom. Unwrapping the test pack, I read the instructions.

My whole body is shaking and my heart is racing widly.

I follow the procedures. Clara bought three packs so I use all of them then I set a timer and wait.

Minutes feel like forever.

I'm nervous and scared. My mind is in chaos as many thoughts run through my head. What if I'm really pregnant? What am I gonna do? Am I going to keep it?. If am pregnant then that makes him the father, then should I...face him?

Someone just tell me what am I supposed to do in this situation.

The timer goes off, snapping me out of my internal battle.

I go to see the tests and when my eyes land on them, a tortured sob escape and I cover my lips with my shaking hand

Two lines.

Positive, positive, positive.

Clara opens the bathroom door and she comes to embrace me when she finds me on the floor, crying my soul out.

"Let's get you out" She helps me getting up, and we exit the bathroom.

"What am I gonna do?" I ask her helplessly, my words come out as a strangled cry--tears making a river of my cheeks.

"You don't have to decide now okay" I look at my bestfriend and I see her own eyes are glassy.

" Just-just know that am here for you" Her voice cracks. "We are in this together Skylar and-and I'll support whatever you decide".

She takes my hands and give them a gentle squeeze. " You're not alone and I'm not going anywhere I promise" .

"I'm not leaving you" She whispers, finally tears escaping her eyes.

Looking at her I know she means every word. She won't leave me, she won't let me suffer alone. I'm not alone, I have her, She got me. But still, I need to make a decision.

I wipe my tears and embrace my bestfriend in a tight hug.

My life has taken a U-turn so I must follow that road.

And let the fate be the driver

Love you all so much.
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