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The deal between Dreamland and Forbes BuiltIN Group will officially be closed today

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The deal between Dreamland and Forbes BuiltIN Group will officially be closed today.

Since the proposal was introduced almost four months ago, everyone has been busy working on it. For the past few months, I've seen every staff in this company doing their best and put on great efforts to make sure nothing goes wrong with the deal.

Specifically Adrian who has been working nonstop, even pushing himself to the limit for this project. And I'm hoping that his efforts and everyone's would pay off today that the deal is closed in the next few hours.

"Here are the documents you asked for" I hand them to Adrian as we walks to the conference room where the meeting would be happening.

"Is every detail in here?" He asks adjusting his glasses.

"Yes, everything is here" I answer looking at him

And for some reasons, Adrian looks extra fine today. He discarded his usual black outfits and deciding on silver Armani suit, a white dress shirt and a pair of expensive dress shoes. Even his blond hair is styled into a sleek modern pompadour and his face is clean shaven making him look as handsome as ever.

"Good" Adrian says and open the door before I had a chance to do so.

I murmur a 'thank you' and we step into the room where everyone is present. There are several people in here. The legal teams from both parties, the board members, the twins, Brett and Breanne even their father, Mr. Thomas Forbes--the chairman of the Forbes BuiltIN Group is here, all waiting for Adrian.

"Mr. Harrington" Thomas hastily get up from his seat and comes to greet Adrian.

"Mr. Forbes" Adrian answers and they shake hands.

"I hope everything goes well today and the meeting would be of success" Thomas Forbes says and the determination in his voice doesn't go unnoticed.

This deal is crucial to them as it is to us.

Everyone takes their seat and as for me I go to sit beside Adrian as he instructed.

And the meeting starts.

But I shouldn't have ignored the gut feeling I've been having since I woke up today. I shouldn't have neglect this dread intuition because I once I do, things goes wrong. Always.

Throughout the meeting, Brett has been eyeing me and not in a proper way. He staring at me--mostly my cleavage with hooded eyes and he's doesn't even conceal the lust in them.

And this isn't the first time, even the first meeting he was like this.

He's giving and the creepy feelings and makes me so uncomfortable.

After the meeting ends and the deal is closed we all exit the meeting room and while Adrian is having conversation with other businessmen I excuse myself to the bathroom to escape particularly one man, Brett.

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