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It can't be him

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It can't be him.

I close my eyes and shake my head in denial. It can't be Adrian that I'm seeing right now.


I keep my eyes closed, this isn't real

Adrian is not here, it has to be a dream.

I keep them closed long enough hoping that when I reopen them, I'll be waking up from this dream

I open my eyes and fate is laughing on my face--mocking me and make fun of my pathetic life.

She is boasting on my face how she 'handled' me.
She is toasting to herself—celebrating her 'great' triumph.
She is singing a song saying 'she did it'

She did it.

The pieces of my broken heart land in the pit of my stomach when realization hits me.

I've lost this battle.

Fate is the winner.

Adrian is indeed here.

He is looking at me with a puzzled look, like everyone else in this room—wondering what is my problem.

In my peripheral vision, I see Clara. Her face is full of concern.

Did she know? that's why she was calling me?. The thing she wanted to tell me, was this it?

She wanted to warn me about Adrian being here...I should have picked up.

But would it change anything?

Just a mention of his name would have my body trembling...with fear.

"Are you alright?" He asks, rising from his seat and I subconsciously take a step back. He stops, frown appear on his face.

I don't realize I'm hyperventilating until my boss—Mark comes into my line of vision, his eyes swirling with worry and concern

"Skylar what's wrong?" He asks placing his hand on my shoulder.

I shake my head, too overwhelmed to speak.

Whatever look I have on my face cause Mark to approach Adrian and probably ask for his permission to get me out, realizing that this is serious.

A first tear escapes, leaving behind many that I'm trying to contain. It land straight on the floor as my head is lowered, feeling shame and vulnerable.

I can feel Adrian eyes on me as he speaks with Mark but I don't dare to look up. I'm not brave to meet his gaze, I never will be.

After the permission is granted Mark comes to me. He lead me out as I see Clara rise from her seat and pick the files that I dropped, together they take me to the emergency room.

My breathing increases and I'm painfully close to having an anxiety attack.

Not today please

"Skylar calm down" Mark tells me sternly but keeps some gentleness in his voice.

" I-c-can't breathe" I whimper tears spilling down my cheeks.

My chest aches and I rub to relieve the ache but it doesn't seem to be working, nothing is going to work anymore because Adrian is here.

He is here after all.

Seeing him today has triggered a lot of memories, bad memories.

Seeing him remainded me of everything that happened to me back then. Flashbacks of that day came to me like floods in the river.

Seeing him today has opened my wounds, wounds that took me forever to heal.

Seeing him today caused my wall to crumble, a wall that I built to keep my painful past at bay--and now everything is falling apart

All these years I thought I was okay, I thought I was fine—I was lying to myself.

I was never healed, my past is still haunting me and today... Adrian has proved it.

A tormented cry comes from my throat, why can't I just be like every one else?

"Look at me Skylar" Mark's large hands grasp my face and force me to look at him.

"Follow my lead okay" he says and inhale deeply and signaling me to do the same.

I gasp for air but hardly intake any.

" I...can't"

"Just copy me....like this"

I try my best and mimic him, holding my breath for few seconds before releasing.

"You doing great, now try again" He encourages and I repeat for few minutes until my breathing come back to normal.


"Don't apologize...how you feeling now?"

"Better" I reply hoarsely

"Here" Clara hands me a glass of water.

Sometime passed and I was able to calm down. After I assure him that I was okay, Mark left to the meeting room leaving me in the hands of Clara.


"How...?" I ask Clara, looking at her with broken eyes.

"He is the new boss" She answers and my heart seems to stop.


"Apparently Harrington Incorporations is the one that bought our company so that's make him our new boss"

Clara explains and my stomach sinks with the new information.

Adrian is now my boss, am I being punished? how am I going to survive through this?

"I'm sorry Skylar, I tried to inform you but you weren't answering"

I shake my head, "It's alright"

"No it's not, I should have tried harder"


"You had an attack Skylar... it's not alright"

"I'm fine now"

And nothing would have changed even if Clara or anyone would have told me beforehand. I wasn't prepared to see Adrian today or any day in my life.

She stay silent but look at me with remorse and I had to put on my brave facade for both our sake,

"I'll get through this" I say taking her hands although there's uncertainty in my voice. Will I really get through this?

"And I'm still here" She squeeze my hand

"I know"

The emergency room door opens and my breath hitches when I see the person who enters

"I want to speak with you" Adrian says his eyes locked with me

"Alone" he glances at Clara who is glued to my side.

Clara looks at me, worry etches on her face, her eyes asking 'if I'll be okay'. Although my heart is pounding in my chest, I give her a nod and she hesitantly leave the room.

It's now me and him, alone

My heart is thumping hard inside my chest, I can hear it in my ears.

His gaze is still hard on me and when he opens his mouth to speak, I hold my breath.

I guess this is it.

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