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"Harry Potter... The-Boy-Who-Lived... come to die!" A voice calls out gleefully.
The said boy staring at his inevitable death at the hand's of the 'man' who is standing in front of him.

Harry Potter has no will to live for he has suffered enough at the hands of his enemies and his 'loved ones'. He tells the man "You, Voldemort have been a pain in my arse since I was born..I have suffered enough at the hands of you and Dumbledore don't you think?..do me a favour and end this misery I perish peacefully and you get what you've always wanted..my death"

Voldemort raises a non-existent eyebrow and says "You asking for a favour? And that of killing you?" He says before bursting into a cackle. "I suppose I could grant you this wish gladly Potter..." muttering the last few words quietly before casting the all famous 'Avada Kadavara'.

At last he stares at the snake like 'man' with determined eyes and says his last final words as a flash of bright green light consumes him "Goodbye Tom." Just to spite him. And all fades to black.

He opens his eyes, a blinding light obscuring his vision. He takes a look at his surroundings 'It looks like King's Cross Station... but not quiet, somethings wrong' thinks to himself before earlier thoughts surface. He died. Voldemort had killed him upon request. What was he doi- his thoughts were cut off as a cold presence covered his surroundings.

"Master..." a gaunt cool but oddly comforting voice calls. Who dares call him 'Master' like he is some dark lord he thinks with a tinge of annoyance.

"Where am I? Who are you-" The boy stops speaking mid way the words seemingly stuck in his throat as he moves his gaze up at 'it' or 'him' he was not sure.

His gaze falls upon a hooded floating figure, not a dementor, then who?

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