'Shopping Spree' - V

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By the time Harry and Damien walked out of the bank it was midday around 12:00 p.m. Harry was getting hungry, "Damien can we have waffles please?" Harry asked with sugar lacing his words and with those puppy dog eyes that no one could resist.
Damien raised an eyebrow and said "Waffles at 12 'o clock?". "Please?" Harry said dragging out the 'e'. "Fine." Said Damien fondly giving into Harry's cravings. Harry grinned at him with a triumped expression. And led him to a shop named 'Whinchesters Waffles' they sat down at a table for two. Damien let Harry order his chocolate waffles with whipped cream and ordered a normal one for himself with a cup of coffee and juice for Harry.

They ate in comfortable silence until little Harry smeared whipped cream all over his cheek. Damien could not repress a laugh and pointed it out. "Harry, you have whipped cream on your cheek!". "Here?" Said Harry while smearing it more. "Here let me help..." Damien replied with a chuckle as he leaned over the table with a napkin in hand.
He carefully tilted Harry's head to face and held his jaw in place and moved it away from the cream smeared cheek and wiped it of gently with the napkin.
All while Harry's cheeks were heating up, thank the gods again Damien didn't notice. Meanwhile Damien thought the sight of Harry like this was so adorable. When done wiping Harry's cheek Damien settled into his seat again.

"There you go." Damien said. "Thanks Damien!". Replied Harry all while stuffing his mouth with more waffles just a bit carefully than before.
They quickly paid for their orders before heading out of the cafe.
Their next stop Madame Malkins, Harry was glad he was there early as there was no crowd in sight. As there opened the door to the shop the bell chimed above their heads. Madame Malkins greets them warmly. Unlike the ushering that she did when she was busy.
"What can I get for you today gentlemen?"." We would like a full set of wardrobe made of the finest of fabrics plus a full set of Hogwarts robes please." Replied Damien putting a hand on Harry's shoulder. "Of course just a moment!" Madame Malkins eyes lit up at the cost of such a purchase.
Madame Malkin quickly prepaired heaps upon heaps of outfits, robes, suits and casual wear and shrank them into a single bag and handed them to Harry. And proceeded to make the bill. Which cost them 380 galleons in total. Harry swiped his card on the machine and bid Madame Malkin a goodbye.

Their next destination was Flourish and Blotts. When they entered the shop they were hit with a smell of parchment and books.
"Can we have a set of first year textbooks?" Said Damien to the cashier. "Of course! Here you go." The cashier put a stack of books on the counter. Then both Harry and Damien picked out extra book on DADA, Potions, spell work & charms etc. For extra study sessions of course which were above seventh year.
They paid for the books and left the shop.

They next went to Ollivanders, to get Harry's wand which won't actually respond to him now that he is the Master of Death. But still they had to otherwise Dumbledore might get suspicious. Harry and Damien entered the shop which was lit up with a dim light.
Dusty shelves that released puffs of debree when air blew upon them. And boxes of wands stacked in those shelves. "Hello Mr. Potter. And Mr.?". Damien chose to ignore Ollivander. "I was waiting for your arrival Mr. Potter your parents-" Harry stopped listening after that. Ollivander had him try out a hundred wands just like before, then landing on the his Holly wand. Which Harry fake bonded with, and purchased the wand and left Ollivanders with not exchanging much pleasantries.
"I've always found him a bit weird." Harry said. Damien nodded while replying "He's a weird one for sure." As he thought about the look Ollivander gave Harry and he didn't like that one bit.

They went to the Apothecary next. Where they got Harry's cauldron, Harry didn't wish for a gold one this time, and the needed potion ingredients. Potion viles, brass scales, stirring equipment etc.

And then to get Harry's beloved Hedwig. Oh how he missed her, he was ecstatic to just see her once more. Damien smiled at Harry's child like enthusiasm. "Damien I'm going to see Hedwig again! Even though she won't remember me, I still get to be with her." Harry grinned. Damien though had a surprise up his sleeve, "Harry what if I told you she has her memories still?" Harry stared at him absolutely flabbergasted, "Damien you-" He didn't even finish his sentence as he flung himself onto Damien and wrapped his hands around his middle. Which reminded him how short he was. "You really did that for me? Thank you so much!". "No problem Harry the pleasure is all mine." He said as he ran his hands gently through Harry's slightly curly locks of hair. "More surprises will come your way sooner than you think Harry..."

Daniel thought to himself as he looked down at Harry fondly. Harry quickly realised that he was indeed clinging onto Damien he subtlety left the warmth of his arms reluctantly.
They continued walking to the pet store where they saw Harry's Hedwig. She hooted them a greeting and nipped affectionately at Harry's fingers in a familiar way. He almost burst into tears tight then and there but he luckly had self control.
He then bought Hedwig with his own money this time without her being gifted to him by Hagrid. Who he was furious with for hiding things from him even though he knew about the plans of the thrifted Santa Clause. Maybe Draco was right he was a giant oaf who sang praises of the old coot.

"Damien is there anything left for us to get for school?". "I think that's about it Harry. We've shopped much now, I bet your tired Harry your legs are getting shakey. Must be from the aftereffects of what that pig in a wig did to you...come here.." Damian muttered as he gently picked Harry up with one hand ripping out a slight yelp from Harry's mouth. "You don't have to pick me up! I'm fine!" "I'm not convinced Harry, your legs are still shaking slightly and your visibly tired from all this you've got to rest. Come on now." Damien replied as he walked with a protesting Harry still in his arms.
Harry stopped complaining after a while and simply layed limp in Damien's arms while blushing slightly which was, again and thankfully not seen by Damien as Harry looked over his shoulder behind him.
"Which one your properties shall we go to Harry? I'll shadow us over...". "You call it shadowing when you poof into smoke?". "Yes Harry." Damien chuckled. "I'd like to go to the Peverell Manor, it has more wards and protection than the Potter Manor. Grimauld Palace and Black Manor are out of the picture they are still Sirius's properties he hasn't keyed me through his wards and I don't want to raise suspicion when the wards go off and allert Sirius all the way in Azkaban."
Damien nodded as Harry listed these things and chuckled "Smart boy." To which Harry responded with a flushed face. He liked when Damien praised him. Damien shadowed them to the Peverell Manor landing in the main hall. "Welcome to Peverell Manor Harry." Damien said as he put Harry down from his arms.

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