'The Abode' - VI

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Harry openly gaped at the hall infront of his eyes. He was left speechless. The big hall was a sight to behold.
It was huge.
Even that would be an understatement. It was more impressive than the Malfoy Manor. The walls were painted with a cream coloured wallpaper, the mahogany wood on the freshly furnished floor boards were gleaming. It was a magnificent sight. The windows at the side of the big hall were large and the sunrays beamed through them. The periwinkle blue curtains shimmered as the sun light hit them as they blow softly through the wind. The elegant marble stairs were leading up to be what looked like another entire floor.

He had never seen such a big space in his life. There were two wings to the Manor the enormous doors leading to the left wing and the right wing. He would ask for the tour later but he was too tired to think about that.

"How do you like Peverell Manor Harry?". "It's beautiful Damien, I can't fathom that this is our property..." Harry said with a full grin breaking out on his face. Damien took note of how Harry had said our instead on my and smiled at Harry as he ruffled his hair gently. "Let's go Harry. I'll show you to your room, you must be tired." Damien said as he put his hand on Harry's back and guided him up the stairs and to the left there was a hidden corridor which led them to the Master bedroom.

Damien wanted Harry to have as many things he could offer to him. Harry in his past life didn't get the luxury to have such things for himself nor did he have the time to. Damien decided in this life he wanted Harry to relax a bit and lay back, and that he will help Harry as much as he can.
As they entered the bedroom Harry couldn't help but again let his face break out in a massive grin as he looked around the room. It was also huge, the walls were painted a nice cream and jade green with hints of blue floral patterns littering it. The windows let the soft orange sunlight of the setting sun inside the room. The curtains matched the ones in the hall as well. The bed itself was adorned with pure silk sheets which were a nice dark blue. There was also a nicely furnished wooden study table with many compartments and a large bookshelf which was already filled with the new books that they had bought him.
There were two doors one of which lead to a ginormous closet with his newly bought clothes already displayed and folded on the shelves and hangers too. And the other led to a extravagant bathroom with a tub which could fit three to four people, a shower, a vanity and a mirror and various kinds of cosmetics within the vanity.

He was beyond happy. He had never had anything like this before in his past life nor this one. "Thank you Damien." "What for Harry?" "For bring me back. And for all of this." He gestured vaguely at the room. "You don't have to thank me Harry." Damien said as he caressed his hair.
Harry lean into his hand and let himself be shown affection. He was too starved of it Damien thought as he observed Harry. "Where will you sleep? Do you need sleep in this form?" "In this form I do need sleep. And I will reside in one of the many guest rooms that this Manor has to offer. It's just across this one." "If there is an emergency can I call you?" He knew he was being too clingy but who cares.
"Of course Harry." Damien assured him. He knew that Harry was a little anxious to be left alone but he will do his best to remain by his side at all times, he was just a door away. Besides they can communicate telepathically.

"You can freshen up and take a nap. I'll wake you up for dinner alright?" Harry nodded and Damien left the room after a quick goodbye.
Harry strolled in the bathroom and heated the water in the tub he would have to wait a short while before the water heated up.
He removed his garments and quickly noticed. He was too skinny for a eleven year old. And short too, he'd have to ask Damien about the potions later to restore at least some of his height and mass. Though it can never be really changed much from years of constant malnutrition.

He opened the tap of water and the bathtub slowly started to fill with warm water. Harry carefully stepped into the tub and sank down.
He had never been in a bathtub before aside from the Prefects bathroom. The Dursleys didn't let him and in the wizarding world they had showers and cleaning charms and he was busy all his life trying to kill a madman. And the Griffindor boys dorm didn't have one either. He looker over and spotted various bottles of shampoos, conditioners, body scrubs, body washes and soaps. And of many sents, Harry chose lavender soap and mint shampoo, just like Damien's cologne, it smelled nice.
He washed himself throughly he cast wandless cleaning charms on himself when he was at the Dursleys but they could never replace a proper bath. Harry soaked in the bath for what felt like an hour before reluctantly getting out. He peeked in the vanity mirror a bit. He could work on his looks a bit. He decided to do a night time skin routine he found in a magazine in his previous life.

He recognized some of the cosmetic's names. This would probably cure his skin a bit. The Dursleys didn't do him good when they made him spent hours in the dirt and grime in the summer.
It caused his skin condition to get bad. He decided from now on, he didn't give a single fuck about anyone. Nor did he care about anyone anymore.
Aside from Damien he owed him too much. And helped him. And he- got sidetracked again. And he would discuss with Damien about the future plans tomorrow on how to fuck Dumbledore over. He giggled childishly as he imagined the question 'Can he just kill Dumbledore by running him over with Mr. Weasleys Ford Anglia?' 'No Harry.' Damien replied. Harry just giggled at the serious reply while he walked to his closet and picked out nice pyjamas, a pyjama shirt and shorts.
He quickly put them on and crawled into bed, which was very soft and- he was out like a light before his head even hit the pillow.
He again didn't feel the phantom kiss pressed against his forehead.

Later that night he was woken up my Damien for dinner.
He had a nice dinner which consisted of chicken, roasted vegetables and mashed potatoes. With his favorite Treacle tart as dessert. Before falling asleep again and for the second time that day, another kiss was placed on his forehead after he had gone into a deep slumber.
A/N : Harry will sometimes act like a little kid as he misses his childhood, he will naturally act that way sometimes.

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